Chapter - 7 Time

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Chapter - 7: Time

I approached the man in front of us as we walked down the red stained and metallic hallway.

"Hey, Philip..."

I called out the name of Philippines, who was leading the group alongside China. It's been a while, and we haven't seen any of the dogs Philippines mentioned. He must be being paranoid... He must be.. So I asked him once more to make sure..

"Are you sure those things are not dead? What if they were.."

I spoke quietly, making sure no one else could hear me.

"Ame, I'm sure of it... The bodies aren't where they should be, and Canada and I already saw a lot of bloody paw prints everywhere when we ran back to get you guys..."

Philip stated as his gaze remained fixed in front of him. Why does he think they're still alive? It would be preferable if he stated that he hopes they are dead. He is scaring me... It's not that I don't trust him or anything. I just hope he was mistaken.

"What are you two up to?"

China enquired. Yeah, I forgot he was nearby. I was about to say something, but Philip interrupted me.

"We should take a break; it's been a long few minutes, if not an hour."

He said this while looking around as if he didn't hear China's question at all. Finland nodded and slowly lowered Germany to the floor, who hasn't coughed in a while thanks to the medicines Canada and Phil brought for him.

"My back hurts... Canada and China, you two are next to give Germany a piggyback ride later..."

Finland stated as he stretched himself up. Canada smiled, but China? He doesn't seem to like that idea.

"I have to take care of Philip; you two do it yourselves."

China declared. Finland does not like that response, so he smacked China again. China didn't even bother to respond or take action. He just grumbled.

"How do you feel, Germany?"

Canada asked the sick man.

"mnmm.... Not good..."

Germany responded. My gaze was drawn to Germany, and I began walking towards it. I knelt and placed my hand on his brow...

"Is he sick?"

Finland enquired. So I nodded to confirm his suspicion.

"Yes, he has a fever..."

I said calmly as I returned my gaze to Germany. He became paler and weaker than before. He is drenched in his own sweat.

"Let's open the box we got; perhaps there's something inside."

Canada stated as he began to open the wrapped box. Finland sits next to Germany and assists him in leaning on him so he can sleep.

"I can look after him; join the others and do something."

Fin then looked at me and said, "Please." I nodded and sighed. I stood up and began walking towards Canada.

"Did you find anything useful there, Can?"

I inquired of him. He smiled and looked at me with soft eyes. He then gave me another medication and a bottle of water from the box.

"Is that... paracetamol?"

I looked at the medicine box, perplexed as to what it was for. I can't just hand this over to Germany without knowing what it is.

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