Chapter - 2 The requests

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Chapter - 2:The requests

"Fuck you! Keep dreaming!"
China has finally had enough and stormed off. It wasn't just him; Finland began cursing at the Speaker, and that psycho laughed.

"No... Is there another way?"
Germany yelled, pleading for answers as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Maybe? Maybe not? I don't know! Find out for yourself! But killing one of you is the best way!"

The speaker vanished with that erratic response. Germany and Canada attempted to contact him but were unsuccessful. That guy is no longer there.

"No... No... You can't be like this,"

I sobbed quietly. He can't possibly be. This isn't possible. This psychopath!!!

He wants us to kill someone. How could we do such a thing! He's insane!

"This has to be some kind of a sick joke!"

China yelled angrily and began violently kicking the metal door.

"Stop! You're going to get us killed!"

Germany yelled and tried to stop China, who refused to budge.

"Perhaps there is another way..?"

Philippines said as he looked around the room. I can see him trembling in fear. He doesn't want to die... Nobody wants to die.

"Then what are we going to do? That bitch wants us dead!"

"China, stop!!"

As I try to persuade China to back down, Finland stepped in between us and slapped China.



"China, get your shit together."

Finland said as he began to look around, and this time he grabbed my hand and dragged me away from China.

I was embarrassed as I watched our hands clasped together. What's up with this...?

Once Finland and I were out of China's View, he let go of my hand and smiled at me.

"Let's keep it together, okay? Don't mind him."

He said in a low, gentle tone. It made me feel better, and I nodded in response. Finland received my message and began searching for clues. I was about to do the same when I noticed China and the Philippines together.

Despite being yelled at by China earlier, Philip checked China's cheek that had been slapped by Finland earlier.

China, who was taken aback, stood back and let the man do his thing.

Seeing them up close made me... a little bitter

I sighed in annoyance. Why am I having such an emotion? We're not even close. I've never met them. Even so, I'm having a bad vibe..

"Why do you have such a face, America?"

When I heard Finland's voice, I jumped. I turned to face him and let out a small laugh.

"I'm fine! Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha."

God, I must be looking like a moron right now...

Finland gave me a strange look before nodding and carrying on with what he was doing.

That was embarrassing..

We kept looking but couldn't find anything. Worse, the room's temperature is gradually dropping and becoming colder. The addition of the room's darkness heightens the tension.

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