Chapter - 3 All the way down

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Chapter - 3: All the way down

After grieving and bidding farewell to Philippines, the five remaining men continued walking in silence. His death came far too quickly and unexpectedly. They were aware that they could have avoided it in some way. But they couldn't do it in the end. Philip died because the devil behind that speaker wanted him to die, even though Phil did his best to follow all of the rules.

His death instilled in them not only rage and resentment, but also fear. Fear of not knowing who will die next.

They kept walking down the seemingly endless corridor. The hallway's darkness was unsettling. America stood there, staring at China, who was still sobbing. The death of Philippines must have traumatized him. America saw them earlier to be close and always around each other. So they must be friends.


America wished to console the man in front of him. And when China returned his gaze, he couldn't say anything.


China asked as the man behind him struggled to speak.

America gathered his courage and approached China, who was waiting for him to speak. He then lightly tapped China on the shoulder.

"I know what happened to Philip was cruel.. and his death was too much.. but I say we should keep trying to get out of here for the sake of Philip, who did his best to do the same. I'm sure Phil is watching out for us right now, so hold it together, China."

America understands that his words may be too painful for China to hear, but he must force China to concentrate regardless. They must flee as soon as possible and get the speaker who murdered Philip. He must be brought to justice.

However, given China's current state, they will be unable to leave if it continues. They must act quickly.

"I see..."

China looked down after saying those words. A sigh of relief escaped America's lips. At the very least he tried to get China feel better at some point.

Germany approached them asked China, who appeared to be depressed.

"Umm.. China, can I ask?"


"Do you.. well, remember anything..?"

"I mean... We haven't remembered anything except our names since we woke up, at least that's how I feel right now, but I've noticed you and Philip have been close at some point.. I was hoping you might know something.."

Germany inquired calmly. That piqued America's interest, and he began to reflect on previous instances in which he had observed the two acting close to one another.

"No, I have no remember anything. It's the same as when I wake up."

China responded quickly and without hesitation. Germany sighed in disappointment.

They continued to walk silently after that brief conversation. The corridor is wet, and there is dripping water above them all. As if they're underground or something. Ame's face contorted as he smelled something foul.

The dark room smelled better than this one did. America reflected as he followed in the footsteps of China and Finland.

"Guys, there's a stairwell going down..."

Finland, who was ahead of them called them out. America took a step forward to see a wide staircase leading down into the darkness.


"Yes, Germany."

All looked down at the stairs.

Somehow, the stairs have a terrifying aura surrounding them. And it's darker down there than it is here...

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