Chapter - 18 Reflection

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Chapter - 18: Reflection

* B A N G !*

"What was that?!"

I got startled at the sudden noise. After hearing that, both Ame and I turned around and stared at the direction where that sound came from.

"Was that a gunshot?"

Ame asked me, then he began to walk back to where we had been. What is he doing?

"Where are you going!?"

I grabbed his arm and drew him back towards me. He was taken aback and began to cry. I looked at him, perplexed by his reaction.

"Canada, my arm hurts!"

He cried, but I refused to let him go because I know what he is up to now. And I'm not going to let him go there.

"You're not going back! Belgium told us to keep going!"

I reminded him, and then began dragging him along with me because he looked like he won't listen to me. What a tenacious man. But then he began to scream, as if he was in pain. I was taken aback and let him go. I examined him and he was gasping and groaning, then I look down in my hand to see blood in it. I grew pale when I realized what I have done..

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

I felt bad after grabbing his injured arm and forcing him to move against his will. He collapsed to his knees, and I, the guilty party, was just standing in front of him. I looked at him, trembling because I didn't know what to do.

"I'm so sorry!"

I quickly sat down beside him and examined his wound. He thankfully let me do it.

Then my 'sorry' was effective? That's good to know.

I untied the cloth wrapping on his wound and saw his it. It was big and deep, what's more is that the cut was not cleaned.. I grew pale as I started to think that he might get worsened if his injury won't be cleaned up, quickly..

"I believe it needs to be cleaned."

I comforted him by whispering. America was just sitting there looking at the floor, and my heart was racing. I have no idea what's on his mind, and it's making me nervous. I'm sure I apologized. Was it ineffective? Should I hit his neck again and put him to sleep so we can leave quickly?

I sighed and decided to just beg him. Beg him to move on. I should be more cautious with my words.

"America, we must move forward; I know you don't want to leave them... But we must."

I pleaded with him, and he remained silent until he finally looked at me. His eyes were teary, as if he had remembered something sad. He then nodded at me, which I appreciated, and I assisted him in standing. He groaned and hissed here and there before we began to walk. He must have been traumatized by what happened to him. I can't blame him for that.

But this time, he has me, and I will protect him. Every time he is beside me, or near me, I felt happy and at peace. He has to stay here beside me. And I will make sure noone will harm him away from me. I don't even know where it all started..

We had been walking for up to an hour when we started to feel exhausted. In addition, we were uncomfortable because we constantly felt like we were being watched. I don't know where the other two are right now, and everything has been dreadfully quiet for a while. I questioned whether they are still alive at all. Did Martial Finish them off? Is he still at large? It's too quiet..

Martial might run into us again and hurt us. Despite the fact that it has been quiet for a while. It still makes me nervous. It's not safe as long as we remain here. America is still not safe..

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