Chapter - 17 Let's End it here

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Chapter - 17: Let's End it here

"What did you say?"

That voice is back, this time angry.

"My son is not going to die!"

Oh? His son is dying?

"You will if you do!"

Huh... Was that a threat?

"I refuse to let him go! My son will wake up soon!"

He sounds desperate.

"Please, just give him more time!"


"Oh, America, you've woken up!"

When I heard Canada's Voice, I was jolted back to reality. I took a slow look at him and noticed that his gaze was fixed on me. He has a big grin on his face, I smiled back, softly. But then I remembered China. Panicked, remembering the danger and death of Fin, I sat up quickly, but my body weakened and I nearly fell back to the floor. Fortunately, Canada was able to catch me fall body in time.

"Are you okay?"

He inquired as he noticed my terrified and panicked expression. I gulped because I couldn't tell him. But I mustered my courage and forced myself to speak.

"Canada, tell me... where is China?"

I begged. Please tell me he's here with us!

Canada fell silent. His eyes quivered slightly and his face darkened.

"China, again..?"

He muttered secretly, but I could still hear him. I looked at him, shock of what I have heard and what I am seeing. Canada has that annoyed face, which I have never seen before.. it disturbed me for some reason..

"He isn't here."

I flinched and looked to the far corner, where I saw Belgium, his arms crossed. He is in a much cleaner and wetter state.

"China guy is an adult, no need to worry; after all, you saw him stab the shit out of that crazy man, unless you didn't."

He said this as he walked towards us. He then got down on his knees in front of me and examined me. He clicked his tongue and locked his gaze on mine.

"You looked more messed up than the last time I saw you."

He made a remark, which made me double-check myself. I didn't even notice how bloodied and filthy I was. Then I heard Canada whispering near me.

"Let me help you..."

Canada assisted me in standing, and I struggled at first but soon managed to stand on two feet. My head ache is fairly faint, but why does my neck hurt?

"Ow... Why is my neck hurting...?"

When I asked them, Canada flinched. Belgium looked at me as if he didn't care.

"Are you okay now?"

He inquired of me. I nodded slowly because I'm not sure if I really do, but it's the best way, and my state today is far better than before, so it's not far from the truth...

"All right, you two go ahead, and I'll go back there and get that guy."

He said this as he began to walk back in that direction. I smiled and sighed with relief, knowing that China would return safely. I slowly turned to face Canada. He has a blank expression on his face and turns slowly to look at me.

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