Chapter - 4 Gunshot

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Chapter - 4: Gunshot


Germany prevented China from completing his sentence.

"It depends on whatever it is..."

Germany responded to the voice. The voice let out an amazed chuckle and a contented hum.

"That's more like it. I really like you, Germany. It's a shame you don't remember... And if only you weren't such an asshole before."

The voice then laughed quietly. This gives the three men a hint that this psycho is someone they know. He's been going about it from the very start. Now it's a solid hint.

"My request is simple... "

He said something, and the stairs they were on began to shake, and a hole in the wall appeared. The three approached it and peered inside. Three glasses of juice are in the hole. They were perplexed by this, but they remained vigilant. However, the presence of juices in front of them made them want to drink it.

"There is a poison in one of the three glasses. Each of you will drink one to save your friends; you cannot cheat on me because I am watching."

The voice cautioned. The three exchanged glances, troubled by the words they had just heard.

"If anyone cheated in this small request, that cheater must die for the sake of others. If not..."

There's a pause... The voice then burst out laughing like a maniac.

"I'm serious!!! You're all going to die! Like drop dead because I can one shot everyone of you!! Hahahaha!!!"

Then came a spark and static noise. Everything fell silent after the sound faded.

The three are at a loss for words. It's true. They must carry out the voice's request precisely or one of them will perish.


Canada began to cry. The other two remained silent but had a fearful expression on their faces.

"I don't want to die... I don't want everyone to die... This is just too much!"

Canada was overcome with emotion. Germany comforted him by patting his back. As he did so, Germany's hand shook.

"Do we have a choice? Let's just do it."

As he looked at the three glasses, China said. His desire to consume it has diminished.

China nervously grabbed the glass in front of him as the three men approached the designated spot, praying that the glass he chose was not poisonous. Then he takes a sip of it slowly. It's a sweet and refreshing juice. China wants to drink more because it's so sweet. The glass, however, has unfortunately run dry. China's stomach has already absorbed the juice. Germany and Canada, the other two, is watching China.

They waited for a long time. However, there was no response. As if it were nothing...

"I'm fine.. to be honest, I feel better..."

China said something to the others before looking them in the eyes.

"I'm fine! My drink is poison-free!"

China exclaimed happily to the other two. China received two smiles in return. They want to be happy, but the lack of poison in China's glass makes it more difficult now that there are only two left. One is poisoned, while the other is not.


Canada asked Germany with concern. Germany nodded quietly and reached for the second glass of juice. He takes his time drinking it. And waited for something to happen.

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