Chapter - 14 Holes

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Chapter - 14: Holes

"Wake up.... Please..."
"Don't you want to kick some arse...son?"
"Wake up, America."

I opened my eyes to see Belgium frowning. What happened?

"Belgium...? What happened?" I looked around and saw Belgium bound with ropes. Then I noticed China cradling the injured 'Philippines' in his arms while staring at Belgium. Finland is standing right next to them, arms crossed. Canada is fast asleep in my lap.

My eyes widened when I saw 'Philippines' in China's Arm. The twin looked at me for a split second before burying his face in China's chest again.

A severe headache struck my head, forcing me to support it with both hands.

"Are you okay, Ame?"

Finland knelt in front of me and grabbed my left arm. He looked at me with concern.

"I'm fine, Fin..."

I gave a weak smile. My head still hurts, but I can't bother others about it... Not now, after all, there's a bigger problem here..

"Right... Now, could you all untie me? That would be really nice."

Belgium said irritably, and seeing that no one was interested, he rolled his eyes...

"No, did you think were idiots?"

'Philippines' looked at Belgium, anger visible in his eyes, before burying his head once more in China's chest.

"China, you misunderstand..."

"Not after what he's done, Ame."

Finland stated as he stared at the tied man.

"What did he do..."

I was perplexed by Finland's words. Canada awoke and looked at me. He jumped up and hugged me as tight as he could. My heart fluttered at the sudden action and couldn't help myself to bury my face in his arms. I could also feel Canada's heart beating fast.. because of it, I wondered what Canada's face is making right now..

"America! I'm glad you're awake! I thought you were done for! I was so worried for you!"

Canada hugged me even tighter. He was crying, but he ignored them and continued to hug me. My face softened into a smile, and my cheeks warmed.

"Aah! Such sweet reunion! So wholesome!! Can you untie me now? Can't you see I'm hurt?"

Belgium looked directly at China. China is clearly upset with Belgium. He was about to launch an attack on Belgium when Finland intervened.

"China, calm down!"

Finland yelled at the irate man. Of course, they got into a fight, but China eventually gave up and sat right next to 'Philippines,' allowing him to lean on him.

"Can you now? Geez.."

Belgium inquired once more, and this time he is looking towards Finland, hoping for the release. Finland only sighed and shook his head no.

Belgium was not pleased. He looked at me and asked for assistance. I saw it and nodded.

"Cana, Fin, China, and..."

I took another look at the 'Philippines'... Our gazes met, and I can see his cold eyes.

How come I only now discovered the truth? The brothers clearly differed. And yet I thought he was Phil. I said his name with my lips open. His given name

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