Steve Rogers's lost

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Steve Rogers,James Barnes,Juliana Evans and their team standing on the edge of the big snow rock while staring the train line.

James:This must be some revenge.

James stated while eyeing the length of the line down to train.He may be not showing the fear of heights but his heart is beating way too fast.

Steve:Why would i do that?

Juliana:For we made you ride that thing in Coney Island.

Steve just looking at these dramatic best friends while shaking his head.When the train starts coming we all alert to be jump on it.

Juliana:Don't you guys dare to lose the tags.I will really choke you both.

James:I didn't know you have some kink Ju.

Steve:Me neither.

They started to jump on the moving train and get inside of it.They separated from each other in each compartment.Juliana is behind them,so she can't really help them if they need anything.All of sudden the shooting started,holes forming in every compartment doors.Juliana is hiding behind many boxes when she try to shoot the door to unlock it but she feels something so warm right down her abdomen.There's so much blood gushing out of it and she been shots 3times.There was a hydra guy infront the train who been shooting through the doors and at them suddenly he blew a hole in the train.James try to shoot him but he blow him out of the car while Juliana smash into window next to their compartment falling deep into snow mountain.Steve watching at her sight with big wide eyes while his hand shaking violently gribbing the side door rail and tears starting to running down his face.Then he hear James groan voice outside the train.He try to catch James with only little fingertips touching but the railing on James caught giving out he too falling deep into snow mountain.Steve screams top of his lungs out.

Steve jolt upright with screaming out too loud.His breathing so fast while his heart beating extremely.Then he notice a hand soothing his sweating back and a gentle voice speaking to him.His eyes are to blurring to recognize the person infront of him but he pretty sure it's Natasha because he can see red in their head.When she hug him,he starting to cry too hard and shaking violently.

Natasha:Hey,hey it's okayh.You're safe here.It's just dream.

She proceed to lay his head on her lap while she sitting on the bed side of the headboard.Running her hands into his alittle long blonde hair.After few moments,his breathing become normal and he no longer crying.So Natasha starts talking to him in gentle voice.

Natasha:You know all of these is not your fault Steve.

When she says that Steve gets up from her lap and facing her with red puffy eyes and nose.

Steve:Everyone knows that's my fault Nat.If i ever too focus on them they will be with me now.But i'm busy fighting with that bastard.

Natasha taken back by the bad word Steve just use.She really want make a remark but not at this time.She understand that he really in edge to kill anyone now so she just put her hand on his shoulder and rubbing in soothe.

Steve:You know when i had nothing i still have them.Buck and Ju always the one who really believe in me.When they found out that i let some scientist test on me,i get ear full of languages.Even a slap across my face but soon turn into concern.

His talking while having a small smile on his face thinking at that night after he rescue them from hydra base.


James is yelling at him while pacing back and forth.Juliana is standing infront of Steve with arm cross.Steve is just sitting there with hanging his head down.Seriously he so scare right now even with move a little a bit because he knows they probably going to bash him up even now he have built body.James keep yelling at him while pacing alike cage lion.Steve got distracted from his interest in button on his shirt by Juliana slap across his face.James stood still his place with looking at Juliana why she slap Steve.Then she bring James to next to Steve by ear.

Juliana:That's for your stupidity.

Now the three of them sitting on the floor together.Juliana kiss Steve's cheek the one she slap.

Juliana:I'm sorry sweetie,it's just that if anything happen to you while we gone what will we do? You do even think about that?

Now Steve is suddenly feels so guilty and emotion so he started to tear up.He reply to Juliana with small voice.

Steve:It's just that i want to be like you two.I want to be with you two all the time.I hate to be alone in this house with my useless sickness.

Juliana hugs Steve with another kiss on the cheek while James brushing the tears off Steve's face.

James:We're sorry to leave you here alone Stevie.You don't have to be like us.But next time please listen to us okayh?

Steve:Yes Buck.

James:I'm not gonna lie but you do look good stevie.

James wink at Steve while him and Juliana give him another kiss on cheek.Steve turn into full red.

Juliana:Yup.And you do look hot!

Steve:Shut up!

James:Oh come on! But i still miss the little punk.


Juliana hug them both while rubbing their back.They do the same thing.And that's the moment they change their dogtags so they will not feels lonely when the other not with them.James's dogtags gives to Juliana,She gave hers to Steve and he give his to James.

Juliana:Don't ever forgot we always there for you.

She says this with pointing her chest with hanging the dogtags around the her neck.The boys also putting their exchanged dogtags.After that they looking at eachother eyes and says the most precious thing to them.

James,Juliana,Steve: I'm with you till end of the line.

Steve looking at the pictures in the compass and Juliana's dogtags hanging across his neck.Yes he have a compass with pictures James and Juliana's in 40's.While whispering to Natasha.

Steve:I love them.

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