Maria Hill is not joking

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"If i were you, i would be running ages ago."

Tony shrugged, not really paying any attention to what Natasha said as going back to fiddling with his phone. Just as about to turn to his left, a very fast or air just pass by him. Almost sending him to wall on back,

"What the?" Tony mumbled, expecting to someone just sends him to wall.

The great Agent Hill, Maria Hill, the agent of shield, the girlfriend of Captain Rogers is chasing down him to road. Currently.

"What the hell just happened?" Well, this is not the first time he seeing she chasing down made and pissed off.

"Oh, Steve kisses Nat on mission and didn't tell her. Of course, she will found out, you know how, i told her."

Clint smiles sheepishily, so proud of himself that he didn't see that the very captain is running straight and about to through him.

"You should start wearing glasses Barton." Tony warned him, seriously, how can you tell see the big hunk is about to hit you with force.

Just like that Steve hits Clint, they both went down to ground with thud and groaning loudly how the impact actually made.

"S-stop, i can-i can't breathe."

Steve whispers when Maria about to hit him with the rod she was holding, don't ask her where and when she got. She won't tell you shit.

"Dammit!" The brunetted mumbles, almost cursing him out, went to help the clearly acting Rogers when in fact, Clint in need to real help. He is dying of the impact as we speak.

"Someone! Someone call an ambulance! I'm dying! Help!" The hawkeye screaming his lungs out, hoping someone actually help him instead of the liar Rogers who smirking.

Clint really can't get up on his own, groaning as Tony and Nat helping him up by arms, dragging him into the building.

"I can- i can't breathe."

"Stop shitting me, Rogers." Maria deadpans, she knows he is acting, kneel by his side with squint.

Steve tilts his head, pulling himself up by elbows, squinting at his girlfriend.

"You seriously have no sympathy for me." Steve huffs,

"I would if you were not acting as if the serum is not working on high speed all the freaking time." Maria rolled her eyes, dump the rod to side.

"Like you hate the high speed of serum? I don't think the same babe loved it from last night." He smirks as expecting to her to blush which she did not, not in slightest, stares at him with blank face.

"Oh the same babe will fucking cut off the same dick she enjoyed last night if you kiss Romanoff again."

"Yes maam."

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