Someone you love

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"This is why i told you i don't want 5th pancake! Ughh"

Bucky finally climbs up the rocks and pull Steve up with him

"Then you will get hungry again and complaining about everything"

Steve huffs and look around

"Welcome to Vormir"

They take sharp turn to deep voice and holding their weapon at

"Who are you?"

Steve ask and takes one step closer but Bucky holds his arm to stop

"Steven Grant Rogers son of Joseph Rogers "

Steve look at Bucky who glaring at Red skull

"James Buchanan Barnes son of George Barnes"


Steve clearly confused and angry at same time but Bucky keeps his arm firm under Steve's elbow

"It's my curse"

"Where is soul stone then?"

Steve is so done with secret all

"If you want to take the stone you must sacrifice something"

Steve still looked confused but Bucky clearly see what's happening

"Seriously? My life always been this sacrifice thing happening!"

Now he so hate that why is always he have to sacrifice everything.Life is unfair.

"In order to take the stone, you must sacrifice someone you love"

Their body runs cold and so pale.Bucky saw that it's coming and he already makes his mind before.He turns to Steve whose eyes wide and stop breathing.He pulls him to rock and makes him sits.

"Breathe Stevie"

Bucky kneeling front of him and rubbing his small back

After few moments

"This is full of bullshit!"

Bucky chuckles to ease the pain spreading in his chest and he runs finger in his love of his life's locks

"Language baby"

Steve glares at him and hugs him tight to avoid his stare which makes him more broke down


Bucky just smile and quickly wipes his single tear that going fall on Steve's shoulder.He tried to think what to do next


Steve choked out and face Bucky.He can't think a single second without him


Bucky just don't want to talk because he knows if he talk he will broke down

"Will you take care of our family?"

Before Steve step out of Bucky's arms he grips him strong and face turns full on winter soldier mode

"Don't you fucking dare to think about it"

He maybe whisper but it's deadly enough to make anyone scare the shit out of them even for Steve.He gulps

"Please Buck"

Steve whisper back and again tears starts to fall again.Bucky just keep his face hard.Before Bucky even think Steve push him from him and runs to the cliff.Bucky tackles him to ground just in time and they rolls and kick themself from them.Bucky pins Steve hands up his head and going to straddle but Steve moves fast and wraps his thigh around Bucky's head.

"Let me!"

Steve groans and hate to do this and tried to pin Bucky's metal arm

"Absolutely not!"

Bucky roared and shifting their position and he on top and wraps his metal arm around Steve neck and holds tight his hands above his head with legs lock into his.Bucky breathes heavy and lower himself to Steve who trying to moves

"Stop it doll"

He whisper again and Steve stops moving instantly and look back at him with so much fear in his eyes

"You have whole people who trust you the most waiting for you Steven.Got alot responsibility to do"

Steve cry again and makes pain noise so Bucky release him and pull him up with him

"You have responsibility too Buck.Our kids need their father"

"They need you more than me"

Steve grip Bucky's front suit and pulls him to his face

"You're more important"

Bucky didn't say anything and just stares at him

"You missed out life more than me"

"That's my fate Steve! Don't mix it up"

"I love you"

Steve pull him into harsh kiss wraps his leg around Bucky's waist full force and it make him falls back.Steve pull back first when Bucky rubs his inner thighs

"Mmm what?"

Bucky ask him while thinking way to his plan

"You know what you doing"

Steve breathe heavily and struggling to think straight.Suddenly Bucky rolls them until he on top of Steve and kiss him so seductively to distract him.While in that he slips his ring and rifle into Steve's hand.Steve is really distracted to even question about that.Bucky pull back alittle to look at Steve for last time.Steve open his eyes with so much love and he had no idea what Bucky doing.

"I love you more"

Bucky whisper and kiss him again with tears falls on Steve's face.That's what bring him back to reality and his eyes shots open to look at most pained eyes.Now only he notice that they really close to end of cliff.Before he react Bucky jump back and push Steve more to ground with

"Bye doll"

Steve going to catch him but he already falls.He froze there and didn't dare to look down.

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