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A choked fall out of the heavily sobbing figure that slide down to ground with back pressed to wall. Sleep rope hanging loosely around shoulders as body shaking from sob, ragged breath started to picked up.

"Maybe i should have left when you turned into soldier again."

Every words stabbing Nat's heart as she crying her heart out and screaming into her hands. Everything she said without thinking, now she's regretting.

"Get out." Nat said with venom hint in, balled her fists and staring straightly at her wife who staring back with so much pained and anger behind those grey blue eyes.

"GET OUT!" With last look, Juliana walked out of Nat's apartment, nothing just her black jeans and black shirt that she wore from the morning. Didn't even bothered to took any of her jackets, wallet or even phone, hell shoes.

Nat still can see the clenched jaws, pained and red eyes from anger and fast blinking from behind her closed eyes as crying even more.

Natasha always been suspicious and controlling type, not shame on showing it out at all. But what she did now was way out of line and hurt the one she love the most.

The redhead slowly got up from floor, wiping all the dried tears away while walked to their shared bedroom. On her way, she glanced at big clock hanging on the hallway wall. 3.46am, it showed.

She sighed then headed straight to bathroom with tying her hair up with ponytail. Flicked the light switch, immediately brightness blinds her as she walked to sink. No surprised to her by the most puffiest eyes and red nose, Nat washed her face.


Those words haunts her mind, that's when she remembers Juliana left for like 4 hours now and she has no money, phone or even shoes. Quickly, Nat took her phone and purse from bedside table and run to doors, on her way she picked her slippers.

Locked the door then she runs to stairs, didn't even bothered to take elevator as she sprint to her car. Before she get in the car, took a second to looked around the park that placed in middle of apartments.

Another 4 hours passed............

For almost 5 hours, Nat searched every corner of New York and their familiar shops, even parks. But still Juliana no where to be found. She called their friends and hoped if her wife went there, unluckly she didn't and Nat losing her last hope.

Lastly she parked her at very very familiar old building, took long deep breath. Nat got out of car and heading to the building, but not before looked around playgrounds and parks.

A fist raised to dark brown wooden door, Nat gulped and her breathing picked up from nervousness and fear of what about to come. Finally, she closed her eyes as knocked twice then stepped back with hands clutching her purse hard that certainly will broke her phone into pieces.

She was about knocked again but the door already opened with creak sound. Revealing very tired Bucky with only flannel pants and shirtless, rubbing his eyes with rights hand.

"Stevie, how ma-Nat?" He confused by the fact is not Steve who went out for morning run and always forgot to bring keys, also Nat in on her sleeping rope and slippers with very puffy eyes.

"Is she's here?" The short woman can't even form a word without choked up, gulping. Bucky blinked really hard as tilted his head,

"Who?" He moved out of way and signal her to stepped into apartment but Nat stood there, shooked her head with tears started to form.

Before she answer Bucky, the soldier glanced side to the hallway with blinked and more confused look. Nat turned to the way he staring, her breath and heartbeat stops as staring straightly at those red eyes.

Steve sighed with tilted his head to Bucky, trying to inform him what happened just by eyes but the very sleepy and confused brunette too tired to deal with that.

Nat's lips quiering, she drops her purse and keys on floor as runs into Juliana's chest with wrapping her arms around neck, almost pulling the tall woman down to her height. Meanwhile, Steve moved away from their space and walked to Bucky.

"I'm so sorry, please don't hate me." The redhead sobs again into her wife chest, not letting the woman to reply back as asking for forgiveness.

Juliana slowly wrapped her arms around her with pulled tight into her own body, tears falling silently onto Natasha's sleeping rope. She didn't say anything at all as holding the crying wife and just listening to hers ragged voice.

That day was the last day of Natasha been suspicious over her wife and started to understand everything one by one.

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