Stucky moment

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So this is basically after Steve went to see Bucky whose in their room.I can't help it so here's some stucky moment :)

Steve open the door to their room.Bucky sitting on bed with James laying infront of him and asleep.Bucky keep reading the book and ignore Steve who just sits on Bucky stretch out legs.

"How long you can ignore me?"

Steve lays on Bucky and takes the book from him and place it on night table.Bucky frowns and keep ignoring Steve

"So you going to completely ignore me? Umm?"

Steve smile mischievously and close the gap between them.Bucky almost moving away from Steve lips but he capture his lips first with 'mmph' from other one.Steve smiling into kiss and cups Bucky's face with both hands while Bucky's arms wrap around his waist and pull him up.Steve is the first one pulls away with heavy breathing.

"Told you can't ignore me forever"

Bucky roll his eyes and pulls Steve more into his own body

"Can't even mad at you for a second doll"

Steve's eyes tear up as he recalling Jack told him.Bucky wipes his tears away and starts panicking.

"I'm sorry doll i will not ignore you ever again"

Steve chokes on tears and shakes his head

"N-no i just"

Steve happily hugs Bucky with tight grip and starts to giggle.Bucky confuse as hell

"You didn't get hurt on head right uh Stevie?

Steve pulls away and slaps on Bucky right arm

"No i'm not.It's just i feel like want to tear up how much you love me to even can't get mad long"

It's half true and he smile sweetly.Bucky pulls him back and rolls so he is big spooning with facing eachother while trying to not disturb James.


Steve giggle and kiss Bucky's nose which make him scrunch up.Steve moves alittle to forward.Bucky groans

"Don't move doll then we won't able to eat dinner"

Steve grins and keep shifting.Bucky grabs his ass to hold still

"James here"

He groans again and feels Steve kissing his neck

"Teasing me will make you can't walk for rest of week doll"

"That's what i want baby"

Bucky groans and kiss Steve roughly as he moans.They startle from the giggling sound and turn to see James sat up and giggling at them.

"Omg bud when you woke up?"

Before they even get respond from James.The door push open and   Pietro runs with Wanda and landed on Bucky.He let out 'uff' and groaning again.Today is his groaning day Bucky thought.Steve laughs at them.He moves away from Bucky when he saw they running in.

"Wake up daddy!"

"Jeez i didn't even asleep!"

Pietro still laying on Bucky with Wanda on him.James jumps on them too with giggle


He push them away from him but Steve already pick James from them before they landed on side.

"Ughhhh here go my moment"

Bucky mumble under his breath and sit up with throwing his leg side of bed.Steve giggle again and puts James back to bed.Wanda sits up from her side

"Aww come on daddy i'm not that weight like Pietro"

"Excuse me i'm lighter than you"

"Oh really?"


They starts to bickering and Bucky puts his hands on his head.Steve giggle again

"Alright that's enough you two.Let's have dinner"

"See papa knows you eat alot since you weight"

"You're the one!"

The bickering still going on as they walk out with James running behind them.Steve kneels infront Bucky and pull his hands away from head

"Come on Buck let's go then we will have long night.I will leave James to Loki okayh?"

Bucky frowns

"You really don't want to walk the whole next week?"


Steve whisper and bites Bucky's earlobe and runs out of room.Bucky grinning to himself

"Oh you're so much loss in ability to walk next few weeks Steve Barnes"

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