No more lab for you!

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Bruce coughed all the way to window for fresh air before he die of suffocating of smokes. Few greens pokes into his veins but not right now as he thinks, calming his own anger with deep breath.

I don't want to kill Tony, he chants to himself in mind while searching for the certain genius who thought it's brillaint idea to mixed poisioned chemical with expired one for making new invension.

Bruce saw Dum-E splashing fire gas on ground, immediately knew that it's Tony who on ground properly.

"Ohh god!" Tony looked alike he about to cry when saw the damaged chemical mixed. Going to sob but smile nervously after Bruce glared at him with very anger look.

"GEEZ! WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS DID NOW!?" Angry Natasha voice came through the front of lab with occasional coughs.

"I'm pretty sure it's Tony's fault." Followed by coughing Steve who found them with pulling Nat. Heading to the scared billionaire who hiding behind Bruce for some protection.

Nat glared at him all she can as looked around with hands on hips, making decisions for end this new invensions. Steve just standing with sleepy and tired face, clearly just woke up from his post mission.
"No more lab for you!" With that she grab his ear to all the way to glass door, pushing him out with Steve and Bruce following with hide chuckles.

"NO! PLEASE!" Tony begged her with his best puppy dog eyes that always worked on his boyfriend but Nat not buying it as she asked Jarvis to locked down the lab and overided the power.


Tony been sulking all day on couch, he can on his own room but then no one will know about the reasons or the sympatic. Typical Tony.

"Quite sulking like a baby." Clint said while searching for his missing arrow around the place, made happy noise after found them on kitchen cabinet.

"I am sulking like a fully grown man!" Tony shouts, pulling blanket closer with sniffle. Not a single tears fall, just acting his way so Natasha will forgive him. Slightly bitter on Jarvis who actually listening to Nat.

A very sweaty Bucky came in with frowns at his boyfriend who pouting on couch, walked to him and crouched down to his level to layed position.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?" Strokes his cheeks with worried look, clearly doesn't know anything about the whole lab situation. Seeing this is the chance to pawn Bucky then he will make Tony back to lab.

Tony got up quickly with squirm his bottom lips with more pouting that Bucky frowns deeply as he sat on couch side of him. Pulled him into hug,

"Oh baby, what is it?" A grin actually appeared on Tony's face but he hide it into the sweaty chest with sob sound.

"They took away the lab from me"

"Who did?"

Big grin as he sucked in his inner cheeks to stopped from grinning, sniffle alittle to show that he really upset. Bucky actually buying his acted, which is so surprised for the ex deadly assassin who can found anything but can't when comes his boyfriend.

"Steve and Nat" Decided to brought Steve into this so Bucky will get mad on him for doing this even his bestfriend knows how everything goes. And it works, seeing the arms tighten around him and making him grinned.

"I will be come back in minute, do me a favor, make your special sandwich for me."

As soon as Bucky left to find his bestfriend, Tony fly up from couch to do his happy dance. Grinning like a maniac at this point, walked to kitchen making the sandwich that Bucky asked for.

Let's just say, Tony got his lab after Bucky and Steve fight for nothing and yelling Nat. Got a beef on both but all Tony cares about his lab that he got it by Bucky who still doesn't know the reason.

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