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( This is where no one is superhero or rich, just ordinary adults with working as teachers, gym trainers, office workers, therapists. And also Steve, Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Loki, Clint, Juliana, Pepper, Maya are 28 years olds. Thor is 30 years old and bestfriend of Bucky. Bucky is 33, he pretty much stable in earning and alittle rich and owns 3 gyms.)

The two adults really thought the older guy will at home by 7 pm but they are so wrong. Here Natasha and Steve sitting outside of Bucky's apartment with alot of plastic bags. Full of groceries.

"I'm going to kill him" Steve been trying to call Bucky or even Thor who work with him. But the thing is they both not taking his calls and texts.

"Say something you will do, Rogers" Natasha scoff while texting Clint to arrived faster.

"We really should have told him that we will come by early or something" Steve lets out frustrated sigh

Suddenly, they heard someone angrily ranting loudly out of the elevator. Steve and Natasha turn to that voice and know damn well who that is

"He fucking deserve it! He will be fucking dead by now if you didn't pull me back! The face of his will-SHIT! OH MY GOD! Stevie calls me and i- Oh hi Stevie" Bucky stops shouting as he inspecting his phone to gave a awkard wave then a glance to Natasha who glaring at him.

Steve stands up without any emotions as he holds out hands to Natasha who took it and gets up too. Bucky slides his phone back to his gym bag then gave confused and fear look to Thor who just checks the calls in his phone.

"Um? Why sitting outside instead of in?" Bucky just feels so scared of Steve's emotionless face, even he is older than the blond, he has tiny okayh fine big fear in that angry puppy.

Natasha looks at the lock of door then back to his face, Thor takes Bucky's bag from him then signal the door

"Ohh!" He pulls his car key which has door key also. He open it with whoosh that the door slams the wall. He closed his eyes and winced

"Sorry, have to change that door"

Steve enters first then Natasha, she push Bucky pass with scoff. He glance back at Thor who shakes head as he has no idea. They about to enter but stops when Tony brush pass them with loud

"MOVE BITCHES!" Thor being slams back to door, he groans when the handle of door pokes him from hip. Bucky completely out of his own apartment when his chaotic friends entering like they about to conquer the world.

Loki flips his hair at Thor, Clint gave his bag to Bucky who just standing outside with a look, then lastly Bruce about to enter but stops to hands the paper bag to Thor.

Finally Bucky and Thor goes in house without any interuption. They slides their bags by hallyway along with Clint's. Thor goes to couch with rest of them, Bucky went to refrigerator to get water.

Steve stirring something on stove, Natasha just done cutting vegetables then hands them to Steve.

"Can you move?" The brunette ask the readhead who standing in way to refrigerator, she turns to him sharp look but moves away. He just has no idea why they being angry on him.

By the time dinners ready, Steve and Natasha place the foods on dinning table with help of Loki.

"WHATSSUP MORONS" Instantly knows that voice belongs to Juliana. Again Thor being stuffed by bags when he open the door for Juliana, Maya and Pepper.

Everything sets out on dinning table as everyone settle in but not start yet. Bucky goes to his bedroom and about to revive shirt only to Steve grab him front of his black tanktop to bed.

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