Where's the innocent smile went?

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Tall dark haired pacing around the cell with hands behind clasped, holding other palm into another one. Faint sound of slipper is only thing in this cell.

The hallway in deep silent with two guards over the end of it by metal magical doors. Darkness filling the place, there's not even a single fire stick to light up the place.

Clicking of footsteps heard followed by few maids with variety of food and books carried to cell barrier. Frigga nods to them as a guard open the magic barrier, the maids sets down the books and foods on table then walked out of the place with guards.

"Hello, my sweet mother" Loki greets with his signature tiny smile while walked to Frigga who opens her arms to him come into them.

"Loki" Frigga place long kiss to his forehead while stroking the tiny hair back.

"I don't think so i can have all those in my tiny tummy" He grins at the chuckle fall out of Frigga, she takes bowl of soup then pulling him to couch and sitting down.

"Well my baby needs more food than he knows" She holds out spoonful of soup to him, Loki take it while staring at her with so much emotions but not showing it entirely.

"Isn't it, lovely that someone knows me other than myself?" Oh the look Frigga gave him, she totally understand what he asking and why he did it.

"I'm your mother Loki" She holds out another spoonful of soup to him, Loki smiles mockily at her

"Lovely" He takes it as leans back to couch with hands behind his head, swinging right leg side to side.

Frigga set down the bowl on table back since Loki signal as he done with it, she looked around the cell, spots the few books that he didn't even touch that she sent it few days ago.

"Don't you think the king will upset about the privilege his prisoner getting? I mean the lifetime prisoner" He hums like nothing bad he said, swinging his leg more with whistling.

"Loki, he is your father"

"He is not"

Swinging stops as straighten his posture from seat, staring deeply at Frigga who sighs.

"Never will" Angrily said while standing up from couch, pacing back and forth with hands on back clasped it.

Now Frigga sat down couch to him open up about the things he feeling for all those years. Been keeping it away from her since learned the personal mind barrier magic to put her out of his mind.

"A father won't put his son away in alone dark cell and treating him like a monster. He is not my father, never will be." Loki angrily stops in front of Frigga with picked up breathing.

"Afterall, adopted son who been had no idea about being in stolen piece that waiting to be used." A flicker of tears fall from his left eye, landed on Frigga's feet. She doesn't make any move to him, just letting him to take out all the frustrations.

"Nothing painful than to know that the monster he grown up was the monsters in his childhood stories." Tips of his fingers turning into dark blue as the place drop to cold tempreture.

Gold mist come out of Frigga, making a magical barrier to the original one, totally securing the cell. Loki's hands started to shaking as he steps back alittle from his mother who just stands up.

"Should have killed him by the minute found, not letting him grown up and making him to realised that nothing is for him or anyone."

Loki let out a sob as his skin totally change to dark blue, eyes in full blood red, sliding down by wall to ground. More tears falling from his cheeks, Loki shakes his head tried to shake off the pain in his head that growing horns.

"Loki" Frigga whispers as she watching him, turning into whole new person. Frost giant.

She seen his true self when her carried him for the first time but in her illusion not in real. Making her more hate herself than anything that she let him down. Slowly walks to him,

"Don't" The deadly whisper send chills to Frigga as she stops in her steps to him, horns grow out his high forehead.

"I don't scare of you, Loki" Frigga again walks to him, crouch down in front him.

"You will" Devilish smile crept on Loki face as he squints at her to see she really meant it. And she did.

"Why showing kindness to a monster who tried to destroy earth and killed peoples?" Frigga sniffs, watching his eyes turning even more blood bright red. Which is so scaring if it's not Frigga.

"That's not you Loki, i know your mind not even yours when all that happened. You're just in wrong place in wrong time."

A loud sob came from Loki, dugs his head down and crying loudly with making him small ball. Scare to touch his mother, burn the skin if he did.

"I know how my baby boy will behave and how he think. He is not the person who hurt people around even when he mischievily pranks others. He is kind, lovely, smart and good boy."

Frigga didn't even care about the skin burn when she pull him into her arm as she completely sat down on floor. As soon as she hugged him, dark blue turns to normal pale skin. Only his eyes in red other than all changes to his normal form.

"You're my son, Loki, no matter what. I will against the whole realm to protect you and keep you by my side."

Even more loud sobbing with crying, tighten his arms around her as hiding his face into her chest. Frigga crying too but keeping a strong face for him.

Loki lifts his face for second to look at Frigga who place her hands on his cheeks.

"Where's the innocent smile went, Loki?" She lets out huge ragged breath as hot tears falling down her cheeks.

"I don't know" Loki cried out, hugging her back as hiding his face into her neck. Tightly gripping eachother while crying the heart out off.

A gold mist wrapping around them as barrier making over their bodies, like a global. Entire place glowing with the mist, some of green came out of Loki's back bone and combining into gold ones. Total waves of magic mists around their presences.

Frigga pulling Loki more into her arms as she takes deep breath.

"You're here because i'm letting you go for good"

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