Giggling adults

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"Tones, have you see the punk anywhere?" Familiar yet the most frenemy of Tony asked from the end of the hallway with just in towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping from head to floor.

"The hell you making pool in middle of my floors when i already got you guys one?" Tony squints at him with glare, but secretly enjoying the view.

"Not my fault that the captain ass hides all my clothes." When the name mention the guy himself walked in with knowing smirk, whistles at his bestfriend and winks at him.

"Didn't know there is a show on, trust me Barnes, if i know, i'm the first one who got here and won't let Tony gets all by himself." Oddly enough Bruce winks at Bucky when he passed by, the blond walks around kitchen to get something to eat but instead steals Tony's bagel.

"Seriously, i'm kind of getting cold, give me back my clothes you punk ass!" Bucky took a step but stops when Tony glares at him again for making more water on floor, the captain took a bite off bagel with waves it at Bucky with munching.

"That's it, you stupidly hot ass!" He grips his towel on front where the knots were and charged at his bestfriend whose eyes widen and starts to runs other way.

They both jumps up when they about to step on the water as keeping running to their floor or that's what Bruce thought.

"I really hope that towel to drop." Nat commented while stealing Tony's bagel like Steve did, who glares at her with done look. Bruce shakes his head, sipping his orange juice that Jarvis gave him before he came into room.

"Ain't something we all want?" Clint strolled in with Thor who excitedly sat on dining table for ready to eat whatever on sight, he just hungry big baby okayh.

Tony suspiciously looked at the thunder god for longly then frowns,

"Please tell me you didn't let your sneaky shit brother alone."

All turned their head at the long haired long with glared, almost about to hit him with eyes if that's possible. Just two days ago, Loki decided to messed with them so he blew up Tony's lab that leads to explode the recent expriement that the brunet working on. Almost killed everyone.

"No worries my friends, i just used my old trick to put him down in one placed." Thor smirked happily as starts to shoving the pancakes that actually Clint make for himself.

"What did you do?" Bruce took off his specs then gave approved nods to him because he knows what exactly was the tricked.

"I put my glorious son on him." He grinned proudly at the confused faces as they shakes their head at him for the word 'son'. Thor loves his hammer till accepted it as his son.

A very sleepy and annoyed Sam walked in with his pajamas that grey sweatpants and sky blue tshirt. Heads straight to coffee machine, didn't bother to looked up at his friends or even communicate with them without strong fuel.

"I take that as the so called teenager supersoldiers woke you." Bruce chuckles at the annoyed look, the others back to their own things.

"Can't even mad at the giggling Rogers, seriously why Barnes chasing just in towel?" Sam sat down on chair, gulped down the whole hot coffee in one go like shots, he had long day last night.

"Steve hides all his clothes while Barnes in shower. Sometimes they forget to act like their age."

"Technically, Rogers is 26 years old and Barnes is 27 years old so they still consider as young giggling adults. We're the old ones."

To think of that, all blinked at Tony who shrugged with sad because he is the oldest one than everyone, the guy is 35 years old. Too sad that he just can't seem to be energy like them, but hey they have serums so that's fine for now.

A screech came from elevator as something knocked over in the hallway, Steve sprint into kitchen and ducking behind Natasha who alarmed by the screech. He was holding a towel around his neck, trying to control his giggle but can't when all suspiciously looking at him.

Clint immediately stood up from chair and facing the hallway,

"Please tell me is what i'm thinking happening?" Nat joined him by side with still Steve behind her, arms wrapped around her waist and he hides between her legs. No one can hurt you when you're hide behind black widow.

"Guess Rogers never let us down uh?" Nat pats his head as he giggled again. Tony and Bruce looked the hallway with curiousity, still not getting what they talking about while Thor having his pancakes as watching too.

Sam totally ignored that way and giving disproving look at his blond friend who winks and laughed with showing the towel that he just ripped off from Bucky.

Just then, a very sharp knife flies just above Tony's head who yelped and jumped away to protect himselfs. Mark31 attached itself to him, beam up to intruder before Tony orders. What no one expect was Bucky runs in with nothing but a vase that way too small to covered his junior.

"No need to be violents Jarvis." Beam shuts off, all hawking at the very naked former Winter Soldier who most likely about to murder his bestfriend any moment, glaring between Nat's legs.

Clint completely froze, Bruce pretty sure that he left from his body the minute Bucky runs in. The doctor chuckles and slapped back of Clint's head.

"You guys are so thirst." The brunet grabbed couch cozy blanket off from it and wrapped around his waist then put down the vase by table. Steve already moved away from Nat with big smile, clutching the towel around his neck.

"Not our fault when you look too good to be true." He winks that actually tiny blush crept on brunet cheeks as he pushed him away and taking his towel back. The guy walked away with shaked head, Steve followed him after received few dollar bills from Nat and Clint.

"I don't think that at all." Sam commented which earned judging looks from everyone, even Bucky stops to just gave him a look.

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