My Doll -3

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Flipping those codes of coordinates on paper that spread out on table, crappy light swinging side to side. Glancing around few draggers and unloaded gun laying around the place carelessly.

Natasha knew better than to touch those, about to sat down when felt a presence.

"What you doing here?" The thick russian accent heavily fall out, once green eyes turned into dark green with glared.

Nat take in her sister with unreadable expression. Wearing the black widow suit with few draggers strapped down and a gun in holster. Face changes alot in long years of hiding, dark circles with permenant darken eyes. Alittle redness around it, a very hollow cheeks, more thin figure with long red hair.

"To see my sister" Aleeya scoffed as put her hands on hips,

"Why you came here?" Nat press her lips together while sat on table with leg on other.

"I feel so welcomed by my lovely sister" Noticed the moving eyes to survey that if she brought anyone with her which she is but Aleeya doesn't know yet.

The long haired woman blinked with frown, depating should ask or not then let out alittle whined that Nat can't really catch it.

"How is he?" The whisper gave hope to Nat as she smile at behind Aleeya who staring at ground and unware that her sister communicating with someone.

"Recovering to the best" A figure moved behind in shadow, Aleeya deep in her thought to even noticed it. Thinking about the soldier and his wellness.

"Why don't you just come back and see it yourself?" Nat didn't expect to be glared but no surprised in those anger look.

"You know damn well why i don't, Natalia." First time hearing the real name after so long, Aleeya back to her stone posture.

"I don't understand why you so against it when you always asked about his well? Want to know about his well but not his prograss." Nat huffs as she slide down from the table, about to turned but the stern tone make her stop completely.

"He just coming back to his selfs and i don't want to make him back to his regret years. If that's what he wants then i'm not going to interfere between it." Gulping with turning to face the broken Aleeya who tearing up without a sound. Almost hard to see it.

"The winter was filling in those missing years but not going to be last. I'm not going to pry him from his friend whose been searching for him for few decades. I know how it felt when you lost the one you thought will always there for you."

Natasha swore the choking noises came from shadow will gave away to Aleeya but the her sister busy crying to notice which is odd. Aleeya really good at feeling presences in her spaces with just by the heat.

"If i came in his life again, surely his friend will lost him again."

"He won't" Nat answered as she stepped closer to her,

"You made a mistake" Before Nat realized why she said that, Aleeya turned around with gun pointing to the shadow.

Steve stepped out with sheild covering him and Bucky behind who still hiding. Clenching her jaws as tightly holding the gun straight to Bucky who just came out of the shadow.

"Aleeya please listen to me" Nat begged her, trying to think how to tackle her to ground.

The former black widow didn't even took a single glance at Bucky and keeping her stare right straight to Steve's eyes, breathing quicken with tears pooled.

Bucky stepped in front of Steve who was about push him back but didn't when the pleading look that his bestfriend gave.

"Look at me" He whispered, noticing the shaking hand that trying to hold still.

Aleeya cluthed her hand more hard that the gun will snap into two, redness took over around her eyes from keeping the tears in. Nat and Steve share a look, they can't watch the pain filling in the air.

"Doll?" Bucky choked as he stepped closer to her till the gun stood on his chest straight. As soon as the pet name, her lips turned into frown with finally looked into his eyes that showing alot of emotions.

Being this close to her after 20 years making her sufforcating, dropped the gun with shakily lifted her hand to his face. Lips squirm while slowly brushing the face that she fall for almost two decades.

"Winter?" That's enough to bring them both into hugged, they clutched on eachother with sobbing and crying.

Seeing them being all heartbroken Nat ran into the blond chest as she crying with hardly breathing. So much to bear the pain but Steve be strong for them as he trying to calmed everyone.

Finally the winter soldier in him won't do anything without Bucky's permission and will forever stay with him. He got back the love who always took care him with the love that he didn't get from anyone.

The Winter Soldier and Black Widow come together after the hard rock years, found their love again.

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