I'm adult too?

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"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Y/n mumbled with placed a hand on her face. Her 'parents' staring with guilt but assured look, gave small tiny smiles to get her to their sides.

"Y/n, sweetie, it will be like here but more normal." Clint spoke up, was going say somemore but interruted by her.

"What's normal when comes to us? Oh more like i'm not even good at acting like a normal person." She glares at Peter all she can because this happening of him while he tried to look at ground.

"Come on girl, it's going to be new exprience like you always want. We want you guys have normal teenagers years." Natasha rubs Y/n shoulder who eyes widen at the teenager word used at.

"Hello i'm adult now! For god sake i'm freaking 21!"

"I'm adult too?" Peter piped up but wrong time,

"Shut up Peter!" Y/n snapped at him with more anger that Bucky has enough. He was about snapped at her back but another voice already did.

"That's it Y/n, you're gonna join University with Peter tomorrow! No more talk about it! I'm enough with your adulty behaviour or your age using on him! Just do what i say and i don't wanna hear anything from you again!" Like that Tony walked out from room with Pepper trailling behind him, trying to talk him about the way he just lashed out.

The others stood and watching between the door and Y/n, doesn't know what to do now as sadly looked at Peter who actually scared. He doesn't want to get in wrong way with Y/n because he likes her but everytime he tried to be best guy, there's always a way of bad happened and that makes Y/n hates him.

Without a word Y/n angrily walked back to her room but doesn't lock, she knows her favourite person will walk in in few minutes to cuddle up with and some talk to sense her stupid brain.

"What to do with this kids." Nat mumbles with frown, nothing is wrong in going to University right? She sighed as going back to making dinner with Bruce who didn't come out to the disaster just happened.

"Buck?" Steve tilted his head which Bucky responds with shooked his head and going to Peter's room, he needs to comfort that boy first, seeing tears trickled in those big brown eyes.

The captain rubs his face with hands roughly, so he is the one going to sense the girl when himself not really good at that department. Bucky always good at that when comes to but now he doesn't want to do it. Urgghhh why? Steve huffed himself as slowily walking to Y/n room.

A silent footsteps came to king sized bed then heard rustled of taking off huge blanket, Steve stepped into it and cuddled up Y/n who immediately jumped into his arms. He can feel hot breaths coming from her, he knows exactly what that means, she about to cry because he is here instead of Bucky.

"You know sweeatheart, they're not wrong." He rubs her side of arm, shifted so they don't really snuggle that much considering it will make weird when he more like a father figure to her.

"You too uh? Please tell me Bucky bear not also teaming up with you guys." She mutters sadly and just tiny hope, frowns with huffs when Steve smiles sadly.

"Of course, that grandpa bear." Steve laughs at the grumpled, playfully pinched her arm which she yelped dramatically like hurts.

"I'm also grandpa miss Y/L/N, but going to university is not bad right?" She pulled away from him, sat on bed with glare and crossed her arms before her chest.

"I"m 21 blondie, how can i go to university with Peter? Doesn't that sound weird and-"

"Shame?" Steve sat up too with his back on headboard, noticed that a figure on doorway and they leaning on doorframe, just listening. Y/n looked down with pout, her blonde hair fall into forehead and blinding the sad blue eyes.

"There's nothing to shame about that you can't keep up with the things Peter does. Everyone has unique way of talent, he really good at studies like Tony and you really good at fighting like me and Buck."

"That's not going to help in there, capsicle." She mutters, spiked up when heard a snort from behind her. Knowing that voice belongs to who as going back be sad, waiting to be in those arms to engulf her and kiss her forehead with love of father.

"We want you guys to experience things that usually happens in young age, like getting in trouble in schools, getting love letters, having crushes, some few lovey dovey here and there but not much than two though." Steve sternally pointed out his finger at her, she nods with giggled.

"You guys need those, being in here won't let you have real friends. Tell me one person who hangout with you other than us." She frowns, that shits hurts slightly because not a one freaking friend she has other than these guys. Even Peter has two friends, but her nope. This is bad.

"I don't need one."

"Then who you going to talk about your first kiss or your first time?" Bucky pressed his lips thin,

"Buck!" Steve has the most scandalized face ever, Y/n started to get blushed as ducking her head more then fall into bed again with her head into pillow.

"What? She's age now Stevie, not everyone will be virgin like you for all their life." The brunette sat down on bed,

"I have no problem in that, thank you very much." The captain back to his positioned with pout and now he is the one upset here.
"Unless, you want me to do something to it?" Bucky winks at him with playful flirt smirk that actually did something to his bestfriend who cleared his throat loudly.

"Gosh, stop being gay for a moment!" Y/n exclaimed as she sat up from pillow to glared at Bucky then jumps on his lap, But he has her on bed instead of that, he knows his limits as father.

"Come on, Sweetie, all i'm asking is just be the girl with full of life not full of fight like us. Me and Steve didn't get chance to live that life but you have now, please don't waste it. Plus, i want to meet the boy who going to capture your heart."

"And i don't like that at all."

Bucky and Y/n turned to Steve who just shrugged as going back to layed on bed like his, fully content with softness. Judging by the look on his face, surely going to cold out in matter of seconds.

"Okayh i'm going but you will be the one who i'm going share all the secrets, no objection on that." Y/n pouts at him and making her eyes bigger than normal to make him agree with her which he did with laughed.

"Alright ma'am but don't expect me to not asking the pg parts."


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