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Steve's p.o.v

Alone again.Ever since i woke up this is what i feel all over again.For the first time i felt that when Bucky drafted and he left.Second time i felt alone when Bucky lost for months and didn't came back from army.Third is the most painfully alone feel i felt when Bucky fell from that damn train.Now again i feel that aloneliness.It's eating me away alive.Wish i was dead in ice.Unluckyly my wish is unheard.Now i'm in new world with no one and lost without Bucky.He is the one who love to discover new things.Not me.He deserve to be alive.Not me.He should be in this new world.Not me.He needs this privilage.Not me.I miss you alot Buck! I really really do! Please come back to me! Or please take me with you! I can't live without you! It's so painfully alone here! There's no one for me here! Please i want you! I love you alot Buck! More than anything! Baby,i just can't.

No one's p.o.v

Steve is crying and sobbing loudly in his room on his bed with Bucky's dogtag in hands.He wearing Bucky's grey tshirt which he got from Coulson who took them from The Living Legend.The place where Peggy Carter hides in S.h.i.e.l.d secret basement.Basically Peggy took everything out of their apartment and shifts to the secret basement.She saves it for memories and people won't get their personal stuff.Now it's really useful for Steve.

Do i need to inform anyone Captain?

Steve startled over Jarvis

"O-oh no don't"


"Hello Steven"

Thor cheer with big grin when Steve joins him in lounge room

"Hi Thor"

Steve smiles at his grin and sits down with plain vanilla ice cream

"Thought no one going to join me this night"

Thor pouts while eyeing the ice cream tubs on Steve's hands.Steve chuckles

"That's just sad"

Steve offers him the ice cream

"Well i'm happy to have someone with me while i discovering new music movie"

"Music movie?"


Steve just laughs and keep eating the ice cream.Thor just messing with the remote

"Ughh why this thing not doing anything?"

He sighs.Steve shakes his head


Yes Captain Rogers

"How to use this remote?"

Shall i make it easier for you by playing the song directly?

"That's way too easier and thanks"

Steve smiles at ceiling.Thor perks up

"Oh please play the man of iron said about"

Of course Mr Odinson

They sits comfortablely on couch and the tv opens up big screen

Playing Mr Starks recommendation

-Talk dirty to me ( Jason Derulo )

As soon as the song starts to Steve blush and keeps distance from Thor who intently watching the video with confuse face.Steve just looking at his ice cream tub instead of tv.After few minutes the song ends

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