Chapter 1

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Kiley was sitting in the ER, waiting for a doctor. A young male doctor came in. "Hello. I'm Dr. Alister." The guy said. "You're Kiley?" Kiley nodded. "What brings you in?" Drew asked.

"My head's been hurting." Kiley said.

"Look here." Drew said as he shown a light in her eyes. "A nurse will bring you to get a scan." Drew said.

"Ok." said Kiley. The nurse brought Kiley to get a scan. After, she was brought back to the ER. A few minutes later, Drew came back into the room.

"Your scan looks good." He said. "And so did your neuro exam. How long has your head been hurting?"

"Like a day or two." Kiley said.

"You can take something and see if that helps, but I think you're ok otherwise." Drew said. "If it still hurts after taking something or it gets worse, come back."

"Ok." Kiley said. As she got up, she hit her arm on the side of the bed and winced in pain.

"Did you hurt your arm?" Drew asked. 

"I fell on it a couple days ago." Kiley lied.

"Do you mind if I take a look?" Drew asked.

"No. It's ok." Kiley said. "It's just a little sore."

"It wouldn't hurt for me to take a look at it." Drew said. Kiley was quiet for a moment and then nodded. Drew rolled her sleeve up. He stopped when he saw the bandages on her arm and wrist.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I told you I fell a couple days ago." Kiley said.

Drew looked at Kiley as if he didn't believe her. He started to unwrap the bandages around her wrist without asking her if he could. There were cuts on her wrist and arm from a razor blade as well as a bruises.

"Did you do this to yourself?" Drew asked.

"No." Kiley said. Drew looked at Kiley like he didn't believe her. "I didn't." She said. "I swear."

"Then who did?" Drew asked. Kiley was quiet and looked down at the ground. "Kiley." Drew said.

"My foster father did." Kiley answered. "He beats me and cuts me." Now Drew was quiet. "My head doesn't really hurt. It's my arm." She continued. "I think my foster father broke it."

"I'll bring you to get an x-ray of your arm." Drew said.

"Ok." Kiley said. A few minutes later, they got the x-ray and were back in the exam room.

"It looks like your arm is broken." Drew said, looking at the x-ray. "So, I'll put a cast on it." Kiley nodded. "Can I ask why you lied?" Drew asked.

"I'm sorry." Kiley said. "I was scared."

"No one here is going to hurt you." Drew said.

"I know." Kiley said.

"Well, you're good to go." Drew said. "Your friend can take you home." Kiley had a scared look on her face and she looked like she was about to cry.

"Are you ok?" Drew asked, looked at her concerned.

"I can't go back there." Kiley said. She started to cry. "I can't endure the abuse anymore. Please, don't let me go back there."

"Hey hey. It's ok." Drew said, trying to calm her down.

"You can't let me go back there." Kiley pleaded. "Please!"

"Ok. I'll see what I can do." Drew said. "Do you have your social worker's number?"

Kiley took a small card out of her pocket and handed it to Drew. "Her name's Amy." She said.

"I'll be right back." Drew said as he walked out of the room. He walked into an empty room and dialed the number.

"Hello." A woman said on the other line.

"Hi. This is Dr. Drew Alister at San Antonio Memorial Hospital." Drew said. "We have Kiley Blake in our Emergency Department."

"Is she ok?" Amy, Kiley's social worker asked.

"She's fine. She has a broken arm and a minor concussion." Drew said, making up the last part. "She said it was from her foster father hitting her." Amy sighed. "Is there any thing you can do?" Drew asked. "Can you get her into a new foster home?"

"I don't know." Amy said. "I had a hard enough time getting her into her current foster home."

"Well, she's getting abused in her current foster home." Drew said.

"I know." Amy said. "How long will she have need to stay in the hospital?"

"We'll keep her a day or two for observations." Drew said.

"I'll be there soon." Amy said.

"Ok. Thank you." Drew said before hanging up the phone. He went back into the exam room Kiley was in.

"What did my social worker say?" Kiley asked, looking hopeful.

"She said that she's not able to find you a new foster home." Drew said. Kiley started to cry.

"Can't I stay here?" Kiley asked. "Please."

Drew sighed. "I told Amy that have a broken arm and a minor concussion and I want to keep overnight for observations." Drew said. "But it will only get you a night or two."

"Thank you." Kiley said.

"A nurse will bring you up to a room." Drew said. "I'll come by to check on you later." Kiley nodded. Drew walked out of the room.

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