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As the next few days of school continued I had started to do Billie's math homework as well as mine. Mostly because...homegirl was scary. I had made a few friends and sat with them at lunch now. Rachel was my best friend, she also played soccer and we had been playing after school together, she encouraged me to try out for the team. Rachel's friends had basically became my friends and included Luke, Danielle and Taylor.

I sat down at our table with the chicken salad sandwich I had bought and started listening to Rachel's story about her dog getting out last night,

"I looked for him everywhere and the finally found him, in my neighbor's garage. He didn't roam far after all. I'm just so glad he's safe," she said, we all nodded in agreement.

Luke stared behind me,


Before I could turn around I felt my hair being pulled,

"Didn't I tell you to do my fucking math homework?"

I flipped my head around and stared at a very angry blue haired girl,

"You weren't in class today," I responded with a shaky voice.

"So turn it in with my name on it dumbass."

I had a suggestion that would end this math homework issue,

"How about if I help you learn how to do it? You'll do better on tests then too. I'll teach you."

She thought it over and responded,

"Meet me around the back of the school today."

I nodded and turned back towards my table.

"Bro she is fucking scary." Danielle said.

"I can't believe you're going to spend time alone with that crazy bitch," Rachel said and grabbed my hand, "be careful and send me your location okay?"

I agreed.

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