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It's been brought to my attention that this chapter needs a TW. I have written this story so that you can skip the TW labeled chapters and still know what is going on. TW - R@pe/Non consensual sexual acts. This is a story about an extremely dysfunctional relationship that I hope none of my readers ever have to experience but is very much a reality for a lot of people. Power "play" is real and many times non consensual. I do not condone what the character in this story is doing, it is all part of the plot. Thank you guys. -C.

Heather dropped me off at school and kissed me sweetly, like usual. I approached the front door and almost didn't notice Billie standing there glaring at me. No Rachel on site.

I avoided all eye contact with her but she still chose to speak to me, "did you do my fucking math homework?"

I stared at her. I hadn't done her math homework since before we dated.

"Um no?" I said with an attitude. She grabbed onto my backpack, pulling me back towards her.

"Well you better get working on it then bitch," she spat in my ear. I pulled away as soon as I could and hurried to homeroom. I wasn't doing her math homework. Fuck her. She did not own me. AND she understood calculus. She was literally better at it than I was.

The bell rang and I headed to math slowly, Billie was already there waiting for me.

"Well?" She asked with her arms crossed. I looked down and didn't respond.

"You think just because you're fucking your little girlfriend now you aren't still my bitch?" She asked.

I looked at her with my eyebrows scrunched. I hadn't fucked Heather. What was she talking about?

She scoffed, "you'll pay for this shit," was all she said in reply to my confused face.

I headed to gym in a hurry after math. I didn't want to give Billie anymore of an opportunity to fuck with me. Where was Rachel anyway? She normally kept her busy.

I stood at my locker in the shower room searching for my other sock. I had stripped myself of my other clothes, only wearing my panties and bra now.

I felt a vaguely familiar hand snake around my head and cover my mouth. Rings. Fuck.

"You owe me now princess," Billie whispered in my ear and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

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