Breakfast In Bed.

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Finneas had 3 performances in the state of CA and had been doing well, so his manager allotted enough money for us to go with him for his CA performances. The first one was in San Diego, CA. Billie was ecstatic. I was heavily uncomfortable. I loved Billie. I hated myself for loving her, but I did, even when she blackmailed me. I felt so so guilty for Heather, for ghosting her...I mean we were actually in a relationship not just talking. It was all really fucked up.

Billie didn't give me a choice, she snatched my phone out of my hand and blocked her number then deleted it. She deleted her on snap, FB, unfollowed her on IG, then tossed my phone back to me.

"No more Heather. Only us."

I frowned as her, "Okay, then let me see your phone," she hesitated but handed it over to me.

12 unread text messages from Rachel

I'm sorry.

I want to be what you want please. You know I love you Billie please?

Come have sex with me.

Come on Bil. Can't even get over this shit for some fun?

Are you seriously with Cleo?

You're such a fucking bitch.

You've been thinking about her this entire time we have been together then you have the nerve to leave me for her all because you're jealous of her new relationship. Fuck off Billie.

There was more, but I didn't read them. I blocked her number and deleted it, then deleted her snap, FB and unfollowed on IG, handing Billie her phone back. She nodded, approving my decision, then kissed my cheek.

"I told you we can make this work baby. I'm going to be loyal to you and only you," she gripped both of my hands, "I know what I want."

I nodded, wanting to believe her, missing her. She was so easy to fall into. Her face was the last thing I thought of before I would get off. Her voice was raspy when she was serious, it was the most attractive thing I had ever heard. She just had sex appeal for days and it caught me up every time. I wanted to believe she cared for me. Maybe I was the one that was fucking up this whole time?

Billie held me in her arms all night as we discussed Finneas' tour. I fell asleep on her chest like I used to, it felt like home again. I almost forgot about Heather. Almost.

I woke up the next morning with breakfast in bed. Strawberries, a vegan breakfast wrap and orange juice. I sat up straight and smiled with my messed up curls and unbrushed teeth. Billie, who presented the tray giggled in response and sat at the foot of the bed watching me eat. She woke up earlier than me.

"Thank you so much're honestly so fucking sweet sometimes."

She blushed, "don't go telling everyone I'm a soft ass for my baby like this...I'll still beat a bitch's ass," she grazed her thumb against my cheek, "I'm glad you like it baby. I'm going to be different this time, better. We are meant to be together, you're the one for me. I never realized it really until I tried it with someone else," she looked down and but her thumb nail, "I hope you feel the same?"

I smiled as her insecurities. She never let them show.

"I do. I feel bad about Heather..." Billie's face dropped at that comment, clearly annoyed, "I mean. I was dating her Billie and she helped me when I was at my lowest point. You really fucked me over."

Billie nodded, "I know, I'm sorry." She gave me sincere deep blue eyes then continued, "but you do feel like I'm the one for you right?"

"I do. I love you."

Billie grinned and rolled her eyes playfully, as I finished my breakfast, unsure if I had just lied to Billie's face or not.

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