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I met my dad's intense stare then switched my vision to Billie's face, she still had not noticed my dad was standing there.

"Why'd you pull away baby?" She asked and my dad cleared his throat loudly. Billie jumped back from me and ruffled her hair,

"Um hi, Mr. Thomas. Nice to meet you," Billie stammered out and he nodded slowly, faking a smile.

"Girls come inside, you're Billie I assume?" Billie nodded.

We both walked inside and tried to walk up to my room but my dad stopped us,

"Cleo and Billie please come sit on the couch in the living room."

Oh fuck not the couch talks. Every time there was something serious or bad happening my dad had a "couch talk". He would sit on the big arm chair and I would have to sit on the couch. I gulped and looked at Billie who looked more nervous than I was.

We both sat down and faced my dad, unwillingly.

"So Cleo. You like girls?"

I nodded, "Dad...I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I honestly just found out myself, I wasn't trying to be dishonest."

He nodded and looked at Billie,

"And Billie you are Cleo's girlfriend?"

Billie shocked me with her quick response,

"Yes I am. I'm so sorry we met this way. I care about Cleo a lot."

I felt myself blush and I looked down to hide it. Billie reached over and squeezed my hand. I looked up at my dad for his reaction and surprisingly, he laughed.

"Girls I'm very happy for you two. If you want to like girls then like girls Cleo. Billie seems to be a good catch. As for sleep overs...I know you two are friends....I guess it is okay to have sleepovers. I mean you can't get pregnant. Just please no hanky panky okay?"

I smiled at my dad's use of "hanky panky" he was hilarious. I couldn't believe he was okay with us having sleepovers.

We spent about an hour with my dad before we went back to Billie's house. He and Billie really hit it off, Billie showed him the cleats that she got me. She was very careful to make it seem like a coincidence by saying, "I just had to surprise Cleo - Rachel suggested these would make her happy." My dad's face looked relieved, and I was relieved too. I knew he couldn't afford to help me with soccer. Not this year at least.

We both breathed sighs of relief and giggled as soon as we got back into Billie's car.

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