Locker Room.

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I decided I would wait by Billie's locker before math so we could talk, I started heading that way after homeroom was finished. As I approached her locker I recognized one of the school's "bad boys" Josh Slayton pressing billie up against a locker. It was a full on tongue on tongue make out session, all in public. The surrounding people were staring, but I think Billie felt my eyes specifically on her.

She opened her eyes mid kiss and made eye contact with me as she pulled him into her for more. What a bitch.

That's when I decided...whatever the fuck did happen, was no longer happening. Obviously I was just a toy for Billie when she was bored. I turned around sharply and walked to math. I pulled out my textbook and looked over the next chapter.

Billie walked into math about 10 minutes later, Mr. Martin barely acknowledged her late presence anymore. She sat down in the seat beside usual. I kept my eyes facing forward, ignoring her existence.

"Hey good?" she asked me, and reached her hand out to mine. I pulled my hand away quickly and ignored her.

She huffed and slid down into her seat shaking her head, "bitches," she muttered.

I texted Rachel,

Yeah so that ship has sailed real quick...literally Billie was making out with josh slayton in public before math. Wtf?

Rachel texted back in just a few seconds, I giggled because that meant she had her phone out right now too.

Ew he has slept with like..everyone. Gross. Fuck her you can do better.

I didn't feel like I could, but the words of encouragement were definitely appreciated.

"Who you texting?" Billie asked.

I scoffed, "Josh Slayton."

Her face turned red with anger,

"You'll shut up if you know what's best for you," she responded.

I turned my head towards her, making eye contact for the first time since I saw her sucking someone else's face.

"What the fuck are you gonna do about it? You're a bitch Billie. Leave me alone."

I ignored her the rest of the class. She watched intently as I texted Rachel and shielded my phone from her.

When the bell rang I grabbed my bags and headed for the locker room, I had gym next and really wasn't feeling it...but maybe it would get my mind off of all this shit.

I walked through the shower area that no one used to get to my locker, because I had come in the middle of the year the school assigned me one of their old lockers. It was away from everyone else's and took forever to get to, but when I changed into gym clothes no one was ever near me so that was a bonus. I pulled my shirt over my head and peeled my jeans off of my body, then reached into my locker to get my gym shorts when I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and pull me further into the darkness of the showers. I recognized the big silver goth looking rings on the right hand...Billie.

She whispered in my ear from behind,

"You're not going to disrespect me like that princess..." she trailed a finger from her other hand down my abdomen slowly, grazing the top of my panties.

She flipped me around so I was facing her and I felt the coldness of the shower wall press against my bare back, her face was extremely close to mine, nose to nose. She had never been this intimidating.

"Why did you have to do that shit to me Billie?" I asked. Her face dropped and I saw what I thought was remorse...guilt...for what she had done.

"Come over today and talk about it with me?" She asked.

I wasn't sure. I was already so attached to her, I didn't want to get hurt. Rachel was right, Billie was a player, I saw that now.

I shook my head no,

"I really shouldn't Billie. Sorry," I tried to get out of her grasp and go to class before she grabbed onto my hair harshly,

"It wasn't an option princess. Wait for me around the back of school again?"

My eyes started to water from her pulling so hard,

"Okay- okay fine. Just let go, it hurts," I said. Her face went soft and she released me and kissed my cheek,

"I'm sorry baby. I don't mean to hurt you, I just need you to listen to me. I'll see you after school."

I went to gym class much more confused than earlier....which I didn't know was possible.

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