Dinner with the Parents.

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I finished straightening my hair and put it up in a long sleek looking ponytail. I applied light makeup, double checking to make sure I looked natural. I begrudgingly slid on the hideous outfit that Billie had picked out for me, then lied to myself about how "it doesn't look that bad" when I looked in the mirror. Then I headed downstairs for my dad to drive me to Billie's.

"Honey. You know it's 80 degrees out right?" My dad asked me as he looked over my outfit.

I rolled my eyes, "I know dad but Billie told me she wants me to wear this...you know how her parents are."

My dad held his hands up in defeat,

"I don't know - and I hope you don't either. I hope they are respectful towards you, but I know Billie wouldn't settle for any less. Girls got spunk."

I cringed at my dad's use of the term "spunk" and picked up his car keys motioning towards the front door. We got into the car and my dad drove me to Billie's, we pulled into her house at 4:55pm. Early. Fuck yeah.

I got out of the car and saw Howard waiting outside the front door for me, I waved at him excitedly.

"Miss Cleo! You look....warm," I laughed and explained Billie's thought process behind all of this, I knew he would find it just as humorous as I did.

Howard gave me a final look over before I entered the home.

"Hello! Cleo is it? So nice to meet you. I am Mrs. Eilish, this is Mr. Eilish. I understand you are Billie's...friend?"

A very well groomed and gorgeous looking couple stood side by side in the foyer as soon as I walked in. I wasn't expecting to meet them right away and definitely not without Billie. I stumbled over my words...

"Um....Yes I'm Cleo, nice to meet you," I gave my best attempt of a courteous smile. Billie popped up out of nowhere in some khaki pants and a sweater. I had never seen her dress up before really, she cleaned up nice. Her hair was straightened and combed. Her makeup was light. She smiled at me apologetically and grabbed my hand,

"Remember Mom, this is not my friend...Cleo is my girlfriend," she gave her mom the look and her mom cleared her throat and motioned for us to follow her to the kitchen table.

I followed behind Billie's parents, holding her hand tightly. My palms were sweating and I felt bad for making her hold onto me, but I was nervous. She rubbed the small of my back to reassure me. She read me so well.

Billie pulled a chair out for me to sit in and I blushed, I loved when she was romantic and gentle(woman?) like with me. I pulled my hand away when we sat down and rubbed my palm on my pants leg, Billie moved her hand to my thigh and laid it there softly. I felt better when she was touching me.

Howard and a few of the kitchen staff served us some water and iced tea, putting rolls and butter on the table. Billie made a face at the butter, I knew she was vegan but I had always assumed her parents were too. I guess not.

Billie's mother cleared her throat as she buttered a piece of bread.

"So- Cleo. It's so nice to meet you. Billie seems to really enjoy your presence," She motioned towards Billie's goofy grin, "what do you do in your spare time Cleo? Billie says you're very educated."

I took a sip of water and tried to speak up, even though I was nervous and have a bad habit of speaking softly when I'm nervous.

"I do get good grades...I am in AP calculus with Billie..that's how we met. I play soccer for the school, I'm on the varsity team."

Billie's dad spoke up,

"What position do you play? I love a good soccer game," Billie's mother rolled her eyes at him.

"I play midfield."

He nodded his head and smiled, "Ah. A runner!"

I laughed, "Unfortunately that comes with it!"

Her dad smiled at our joke and I started to feel more comfortable.

Dinner included vegan lasagna because Billie said,

"I won't fucking eat if it isn't vegan. You know I won't," when they discussed regular lasagna being served. It barely tasted any different, I would definitely eat it again.

I made small talk, mostly with Billie's dad. He seemed to really be warming up to me. I could tell Billie was pleased.

When we were done eating we moved to the living room and sat down on the couches, facing each other. Billie's mom pulled out a Manila folder.

"Now Cleo - we loved meeting you. You're honestly a doll. I hate to have to bring this up - but we have to," Billie's mom said.

Billie's face fell and Billie's dad reached over to the folder,

"Maggie, we really don't have to do this. It's okay. They're just kids being kids."

Maggie ripped the Manila folder out of her husband's hands,

"We are most definitely doing this, thank you very much," she snapped.

She pulled out my worst nightmare from the Manila folder. There were copies of pictures of me that I had sent Billie or posed for. There must have been at least 30. Some of them I was completely naked and looking at the camera with my legs open. The pictures were supposed to be meant for Billie's eyes only. I felt tears form and my cheeks burn. I felt betrayal.

I couldn't even look at Billie who immediately lunged for the pictures and collected them.

"MOM WHAT THE FUCK? Making copies of this shit is fucking illegal. What the fuck is wrong with you? Dad tell her she's fucking crazy!" Billie started to yell at her parents as I stood up and walked towards the front door... I heard the continuation of bickering as my back faced them.

"You should not be sending child pornography, I had to let her know that was not acceptable Billie! You need to calm down! Lower your tone!" Maggie's voice.

"Maggie I told you we shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry Billie. You know how your mother worries...." Patrick's voice.

"You guys ruin my life!" Billie's voice.

Howard drove me home in awkward silence as I stared out the window crying. He patted my shoulder like a father would.

"Cleo. It is not your fault. If it wasn't that they would have found something else wrong with you..." Howard explained, attempting to make me feel better.

I sniffled, "...but they had to do something so demeaning. Her mother is evil," I responded.

Howard shrugged, like this was not surprising news to him. He opened my car door for me and I hugged him goodbye, walking into my house and straight into my room.

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