Had To Have You.

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I went to school the next morning with the soccer money on my mind. I greeted Rachel with a smile.

"How did the money talk go with your dad?" I tried not to tell too many people that we didn't have a lot of money, but Rachel knew.

"He said he will come up with it, he wasn't letting me pawn anything. I feel guilty because I know he has bigger problems to deal with."

Rachel nodded and rubbed my shoulder, "you know my parents aren't well off either or I would get them to pay for you too. You're gonna be a great addition to the team," just as Rachel finished Billie walked by us holding eye contact with me, I think she was trying to be discreet but it didn't work.

Rachel noticed her, "so what's happening with her?"

I pulled Rachel under the stairs and whispered an update to her about the "secret girlfriend" situation. Luckily, Rachel would never tell anyone my business. Rachel nodded,

"As long as you're happy, I'm happy, but she better not fuck with you. If you need money for soccer why don't you ask Billie? Her parents are fucking loaded."

I shook my head no, "I can't ask my new - and first girlfriend mind you, for money right away! Rachel...you know that's not cool."

"I get it I've been there, we gotta get to class though."

We both scurried off to homeroom then I headed to math class, Billie sat beside me, on time for once.

"Do you need help with the assignment?" I asked her once we had been assigned work to do in class for the day.

She gave me a sideways glance and whispered,

"I never did. I'm a whizz at math. I just wanted a reason to talk to you," I blushed. I had thought she was pretending not to know how to do the problems. That was actually...really cute.

We worked mostly independently, but side by side throughout class. I didn't care if we talked or touched in public, just being near her felt amazing.

"Wanna come to my house after school again?" She asked me.

I nodded and gave her a small smile, "Definitely."

The rest of my classes were so bland without Billie. I went to lunch and sat down with my friends creating small talk, mostly about soccer, the best cleats out there, who would be captain, etc.

Danielle wanted to try out to be the goalie but had never played before and we already had a goalie, Rachel encouraged her anyway.

Billie was MIA until I got a text on my phone.

Art Hall Bathroom 3 minutes

I replied with a

Ok 👌

I excused myself to go to the bathroom as Danielle and Rachel started an argument over Alex Morgan's diet.

I walked into the abandoned art hallway bathroom, this was the art teacher's free period and no one else used this one. I was instantly slammed into the bathroom wall with a hand put over my mouth, my body softened slightly when I realized it was Billie's hand.

She smiled and kissed my forehead, keeping her hand over my mouth,

"Hey baby girl, I missed you."

I smiled underneath her hand, I missed her too.

She lowered her hand and picked me up, walking into the handicap stall. She locked the door behind us and pressed my back up against the wall, leaning into my body that was still in the air as her tongue explored my mouth. Her fingers traced my collar bones lightly, almost tickling me before her hands went under my shirt and bra squeezing my boobs softly and rubbing circles around my nipples.

She pulled away and looked at me as she continued to rub my nipples,

"You like that?" she asked me, I nodded and bit my lip.

"I re-really like it."

She smiled at my stuttering response and kissed my nose before pulling her hands out and lowering me gently to the ground.

"I just had to have you before the school day ended, I couldn't wait any longer."

"I know what you mean," I responded with a smile. She gripped my hand and squeezed before kissing my cheek,

"Okay baby, you need to go back to class. I'll see you at our spot after school okay?"

"Okay cya then," I walked out of the bathroom to class, I was satisfied knowing she was staring at my ass as I walked away.

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