Chapter (26):

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The following morning, Wren woke up before Madeline this time to make sure that Madeline won't leave the bed again. Madeline was putting her head on Wren's chest and her legs were interlaced with Wren's and Wren's hand was wrapped around her in a protective way as she was holding her as prisoner in her embrace. Madeline's eyes fluttered open slowly and snuggled closer to Wren, nuzzling her neck which made Wren turn her head towards her.

"Hey, you" said Madeline smiling.

"Hey, yourself" She kissed the top of her head.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Na-uh" She shook her head. "You were snoring all night, I couldn't sleep" She joked.

She raised her head and met her with a dropped jaw. "What?! I don't snore. You have been accusing me of a lot of stuff lately" She pointed her accusation finger at her.

"I don't know what to say to you really but I shouldn't sleep next to you like... ever again" she said exaggeratedly.

She gasped then mounted Wren and the covers fell to her sides and now Wren was able to see the body of the goddess, Madeline was her beauty divine. Madeline got closer to Wren's face just enough to tease her.

"If you don't like sleeping with me then don't cry or whine about it when I leave" She said smirking and started kissing Wren's neck which made Wren close her eyes and grab her waist. She went from kissing her neck to her shoulder and her hand went down between her thighs and Wren closed her eyes shut when Madeline started teasing her a bit. "You still think I snore?" she whispered in her ear before giving it a soft bite and continued with the teasing.

"... N-No" She started to breath heavily.

"Then I think my job is done here"

She took back her hand and rolled off her lap and went to get dressed, leaving Wren panting and wanting more.

"You are leaving me like this?"

"Well, yes. I have to go before anyone suspects anything"

"Tease" She pouted.

"What! Last night wasn't enough for you" She chuckled.

"I will never get enough of you Madeline" she said truly as she held her hands and looked deeply in her eyes. "I wish if we could be really together without having to worry about what others think about us"

"Trust me I wish if I could but now things are a little complicated"

"Are you ashamed of me?"

She cupped her face and gazed at her eyes. "No! No! How could you say that? I'm not ashamed of you, it's just..."

She wanted to tell her about her secret but she couldn't, not now. She knew her sister's words were right she must tell her everything before it's too late but despite this fact, she had to close her mouth shut until she figures everything out.

"It's just what Madeline?"

"... I'm not ready yet to come out. My family wouldn't take it so well and I'm not ready for that to happen" She half lied, half said the truth. "Please Wren you have to understand me; I mean you've been in the same situation before right?"

"Right" She looked away from her and Madeline squeezed her hands and kissed her on the cheek and lingered for a moment.

"I'll see you later" She stood up, headed for the door and glanced over at a sad Wren and she knew she should've told her the truth.


The family was having breakfast together and joining them Eleanor and Wren, they laughed, smiled, talked and enjoyed their breakfast. Vanessa came and sat on Wren's lap it was a good distraction for Wren as she kept her eyes on Madeline most of the time.

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