Chapter (3):

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The company was quiet, after a long day of work, but there was only one person who loved to stay late working besides the security. At her office she was leaning on her forearm against the window watching the cars at night, the moonlight casted its light on her bright face, she was holding her Whisky glass, drinking it like shots, it burned down her throat with its bitter taste, but she didn't care. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, she turned her head towards the sound, the door opened and entered a blonde woman wearing a fancy red strapless dress, who looked at her smirking.

"I figured you'd be here" She stepped closer.

She pointed at her dress. "Going somewhere, Monique?"

"I was but I changed my mind" She moved towards her in a sexy way, swaying her hips.

"I see" Wren turned around and walked to her desk, pouring herself more Whiskey.

"I always wondered why you like to stay here rather than go home" She touched her arm gently.

"It's quiet here" She took a sip and went to her desk, sitting down checking her work.

"Come on, you have been working your ass off since the morning" She placed her hands on her shoulder massaging her. "You need some rest" she whispered in her ear.

She didn't flinch at her words instead she turned around facing her, taking in her beauty, as she touched her cheek and connected their lips, kissing her passionately. As Monique sat on her lap and Wren's hand went to her dress, pulling it upwards, showing her long soft legs, caressing them while her mouth was working on kissing her neck. They parted for some air and Monique smirked at her.

"Let's continue this at your home" Monique took her hand and left with her.

The next morning, she woke up feeling a little tired from her last night with Monique. She turned her body to her left and found Monique sleeping and breathing steadily with her eyelids closed looking like a beautiful nymph. The covers were shielding her body and her hair was beside her, loose and free on the pillow. Wren got out of the bed and went to take a shower.

She rested her hands on the tiles, looking down letting the water wake her up, and went thinking about Monique. She and Monique dated for a while but nothing serious. Monique was obsessed with her, that's what she thought but deep down she knew it's not true, and Wren herself uses Monique as a distraction from her dark life, every time she feels lost she goes to Monique's house and spends the night with her, pouring out all her anger and despair into a meaningless sex night.

Wren turned off the water, dried herself and went to her room to wear her work clothes and start her day. As she was putting on her pants and her light blue dress shirt still not buttoned, Monique sat on the bed checking her out and smirking.

"You know? You look gorgeous with your professional suit but I'd rather see you naked"

She completed getting dressed, buttoning up her shirt till the third button, not saying a word or turning around.

"Hmm... being silent, huh?" She stepped out of the bed wearing her red thong and bra.

Still no words came out of her mouth but she felt Monique coming closer from behind and one of her hands wrapped around her from behind and touched her bare skin underneath the shirt.

"Since you aren't gonna talk, you know where to find me if you need me" She kissed her shoulder and left.


Madeline spent the night with her friend complaining about her job which she already started, and her boss who was workaholic, at least that's what she thought and also silent most of the times, and her friend's reaction was amazed by what she said, and now she is getting ready for her second day at her new job.

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