Chapter 4

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*Adri's pov*

It soon became time for my segment with Nikki...we decided that I would be walking with The Shield in the halls and Nikki and I would run into each other literally...words are exchanged and cat fight unfolds which will all lead to our match next Monday...we honestly planned it all out with Vince and Hunter...I paced a little as I waited for them to tell me it w las time to start...I stopped at Seth put his hands on my shoulders "What?"

He shook his head "Chill out got this...we'll be right there behind you."

I nodded feeling myself relax "Thanks."

Seth smiled "That's what friends are for."

Dean let his hand rest on my lower back "You're gonna do and Nikki have gone through this a million times today...this segment is gonna be a hit and the match next week will be too."

I smiled softly "Thank you."

He kissed the top of my head "You're welcome babe."

Soon it was time to start...the segment went great but when I tackled Nikki I hit my wasn't broken buy it hurt like groaned as the medic looked as my wrist "Don't push on it!"

Mike the medic laughed "It's not broken just bruised you'll be okay in a couple days."

I nodded "Thanks.."

He nodded "No problem you're free to go."

I hopped off the table and walked out to see the guys waiting "Have you three been here all this time?"

Dean nodded "Everything good?"

I nodded "Bruised like I thought...told you coming to the medic wasn't necessary."

He shook his head "You're so stubborn."

I smiled "You love me."

Dean kissed my forehead "I do.."

I smiled softly "Good."

Roman chuckled, "And us?"

I peaked around Dean "I love you guys too.."

He laughed "Better."

The rest of the taping went great I was so excited for next week..once the show ended everyone left..while the others were going out I talked Dean into staying in with me after putting my pajamas on I threw a pillow at Dean who sat on the couch watching tv.."You're supposed to be cuddling with me"

He threw the pillow back at me "Then come here.."

I pouted " come here."

Dean raised an eyebrow and pushed himself up he walked over "What?"

I smiled and swung the pillow hitting on the side of the head.."That."

He looked at me "Oh it's on..."

I laughed and took off running only to get tackled to the couch..I was laughing like crazy "No fair you're bigger"

Dean laughed kissing the end of my nose "You're crazy."

I laughed as he layed his head on my chest "Comfortable?"

He pushed his head down slightly locking his arms around my waist..he nodded "Best pillows ever."

I laughed "You're heavy.."

Dean pushed himself up supporting his weight above me "Your birthday is in a couple hours."

I nodded "26.."

He leaned down pressing his lips lightly to mine "What are you doing tomorrow?"

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