Chapter 22

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* Adri's pov*

Tribute to the Troops was finally here and I couldn't wait for Dj and Riley to finally meet...I was beyond excited...while mom carried Riley I walked with Dean, Roman and Jimmy...when I saw Dj..I walked up wrapping my arms around his neck he was a great deal taller so I was on my tiptoes "I missed you."

Dj spun me around "I missed you too short stuff.."

I stepped back "You look great."

He smiled "You too...where is that nephew of mine?"

I walked over taking Riley from my mom...I walked back over " Riley Logan Good..."

Dj gently took Riley in his arms "You named him Logan?"

I nodded "It may not be blood but you're his family Dj...Dave was his family."

He smiled down at him.."Hey little guy I'm your Uncle Dj..."

I looked at Dean who was just smiling...I took out my phone snapping a picture *He's finally meeting his Uncle Dj ♡♡* I smiled softly..after a few minutes he placed him back in my arms "Gotta go?"

Dj nodded "See ya later A."

I smiled softly as he walked off..."Finally.."

Mom took Riley from me "I'll take him back to the hotel..."

I kissed Riley's forehead "Bye Ri."

Dean followed suit "See you later buddy."

She smiled and walked off

I frowned slightly "If only he was bigger."

He kissed my temple "There is always next year babe..enjoy the time with Dj...Ri will be fine with your mom."

I nodded and we headed to the first event we had...I sat talking to a little girl and her mom....the dad was currently overseas...I smiled as I held her baby sister "You know I got a little boy just a few months younger than her...he's 2 months old."

The mom nodded "Had to be rough leaving him."

I nodded "I brought him with me so my brother could meet him...he's at my hotel with my mom far too cold to have him in and out...he's used to Florida weather."

She nodded "Who's your brother?

I smiled "Specialist David Logan jr."

She smiled "I know him...didn't know he had a sister....I knew his dad passed a few months back."

I nodded "His dad was married to my mom..."

She nodded "Oh."

I looked down at the little girl beside me "Do you like being a big sister..."

The mom smiled "Adrienne..her name is Adrienne."

I smiled " name is Adrianna..."

The look girl looked up at me with be big green eyes "You're a mommy my mommy."

I nodded "Except I have a little boy..your mommy has 2 very pretty little girls.."

Adrienne smiled "Are you married like my mommy?"

I nodded and pointed to where Dean stood with Daniel, John and Seth..."See that guy there in the leather coat...I'm married to him...he's my little boy's daddy."

She looked at me with a smile "He's big."

After the mom took her baby girl out of my arms I stood up with Adrienne "Wanna meet him?"

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