Chapter 35

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*Adri's pov*

The weeks leading up to tonight had all of us on edge...last night the guys won their match against Evolution...tonight was Raw...I stood backstage with Riley on my hip talking with Morgan about her and Seth's wedding that was happening in a few weeks..I smiled "I can't wait for're going to be a beautiful bride."

Morgan laughed "I saw your wedding pictures you looked gorgeous..I can't believe you were 3 months pregnant...I mean you were smokin."

I laughed "Well thank you...I tell you what it was a dilemma we feared my boobs wouldn't fit in the dress.."

She smiled "Glad they did..."

I smiled down at Riley who was chewing on his giraffe "You know I wouldn't change a thing..even being pregnant when I got married...kinda made it even more special.."

Morgan smiled "You guys are a very adorable family."

I smiled "Thanks."

She smiled "Did I mention how glad I am you're my maid of honor."

I smiled "I'm honored to be it."

Morgan smiled "I wish Riley was walking..."

I smiled "The wagon will just have to do."

She smiled "Or the groomsmen can go out with Colby....then you can carry Riley."

I nodded "That could work..."

Morgan smiled "Yay.."

We talked for a while until we headed back to the locker room...we walked in seeing guys the guys shirtless...I let out a whistle "Nice."

Dean chuckled "Hush."

I shook my head "When my husband looks like that..nope."

He leaned down pressing a brief kiss to my lips "You're crazy."

I smiled "So I've heard."

Dean kissed the back of Riley's head "He feeling better?"

I nodded Riley was teething..."Yeah he loves this giraffe thing Mom found."

He smiled "Great..."

Sara walked in "Sorry that took so long Brie's pants ripped."

I smiled "Don't worry about Ri has been getting extra mommy cuddles."

She smiled "Mama's boy I'm telling you."

Seth laughed "Everyone loses to Nana though."

I nodded "Nana is the world."

Sara laughed "Always."

I smiled and handed Riley off to Sara to get ready....before long it was time for Roman's match against Randy...but first the guys were cutting a promo...I stood back watching the guys...I stood behind Dean my hand resting on his arm as Randy and Hunter came out...

Hunter spouting off about plan b..out of nowhere Seth slammed the chair into Roman's back a look of shock was on both mine and Dean's thing I knew I was pushed out of the way as Seth went after Dean...I watched in horror as it all unfolded in front of me...I stared at Seth, Randy and Hunter as they stood over Roman and they got out of the ring I slid in to the guys...I kneeled between then checking on both my guys..I moved Dean's hair off his face "It's's all gonna be okay."

Dean groaned "What the hell just happened."

I looked up my gaze landing on Seth standing at the top of the ramp "The rat has left the nest."

He sighed as he slowly sat up "My ribs hurt."

I nodded slightly "I know baby.."

Dean looked at Roman "He okay?"

I nodded slightly "He will be."

He nodded "Okay."

With that the refs helped the guys out of the ring and to the back..I sat on the couch with Riley playing peek a boo when the door opened and Seth walked in "Hey"

Seth smiled slightly "How are they?"

I sighed "Bruised and sore but okay."

He sighed "You have any idea how bad I hate this storyline."

I nodded "I hate it too but it's our job.."

Seth sat down "And they're having it be personal between you, me and Dean..."

I nodded "Yeah I was told...they swore not to bring Ri into it."

He nodded "Good."

Dean walked out of the bathroom slowly "Hey Colby.."

Seth frowned "Sorry man."

He shook his head "It's fine I've taken worse than this."

I looked between the two of them then stood up with Riley on my hip "I'm gonna go feed Ri.."

Dean nodded "Okay."

I leaned down kissing his cheek then I walked out...once Raw was over we left for the hotel..after getting Riley down for the night I saw Dean trying to change for bed it wasn't hard to see he was hurting from the chair shots..I walked over stopping his hands...I took the hem of his shirt and helped him get it off..I frowned seeing the bruises that had formed on his chest and back "Baby.."

He shook his head "I've had worse than this."

I gingerly let my fingers trace along his ribs "Yeah but it didn't happen in front of me...storyline or not I know how bad those chair shots hurt."

Dean put and under my chin lifting my head up "I'm gonna be've seen me busted wide open...stitched up...a few chair shots is nothing.."

I sighed deeply "I know...doesn't make seeing you hurt any easier to deal with."

He nodded "Now you get how I feel when they have you in these situations....I hate it..seeing you bruised or anything...hell after Extreme Rules you got hurt that killed me...seeing you wince just holding Riley...but it comes with our job.."

I nodded slightly "Can't I just have my freak out over you being hurt just for a moment because frankly I'm standing here looking at my husband covered in bruises and welps..and he can't even undress himself because it hurts...and it's killing me."

He slowly pulled me into his arm his noses burying into my hair "I'm gonna be okay..I'll be sore as hell for a day or 2 but I'm fine I promise."

I closed my eyes just staying silent for a moment before finally speaking "I never thought it would scare me this much seeing you hurt...I've seen you a bloody mess but this."

Dean nodded "Because in FCW..NXT or whatever you want to call it...we didn't have to think about a kid..our kid...if we were hurt we were hurt..but now we have to think about how it will affect Riley and each other.."

I placed a softly kiss to his chest "I don't like this feeling..."

He chuckled lightly "Welcome to my world babe."

I shook my head slightly "Come to bed."

Dean nodded "Sounds like a plan to me."

With that we settled into bed after I gave Dean something to ease the pain...I could deal with Riley on my own if he woke up


Well the Shield is no more....Dean got hurt....Adri freaked out as any wife would..

Adri is preparing  herself for the battle of a storyline she has ahead of her which will cause some strain in her marriage...when the writers create a past for her and someone else.

Oh and Morgan and Seth's wedding is next.

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