Chapter 38

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* Adri's pov*

While being home didn't bother me I had Riley in his own home which he was loving...I was however missing everyone especially Dean especially during these summer tours...I was able to move my arm around easier...I had a couple days ago I started light physical therapy strengthen the tendons again...but holding Riley was still difficult so mom helped me get him to bed..I had just finished therapy and was heading home but decided to stop by and pick my baby boy up something special when my phone rang..I smiled seeing the name "I really miss your voice."

"I just miss you baby."

I smiled "You better I watched Raw."

"So I guess you've seen that they decided to use you anyways..that you and Seth have a past."

I nodded "Stephanie called me about it...I told her it was fine."

"God I miss you babe...both of you."

I smiled softly walking down the toy aisle "We miss you too."

"Please tell me you're coming to Vancouver with me to film next month.."

I nodded "Of course."

"How's our boy though he still walking around the couch."

I sighed deeply "He actually took steps this morning..."


I frowned at the sadness in his voice "I made sure to get it on video...and if it makes you feel better he won't say's strictly Da.."

"I know he's saying Da...but walking baby that's huge."

I nodded "I know me I want you here for everything...but you have a job to do we both do.."

"I can't wait to see you..hold Riley...hell I can't wait to hold you."

I smiled as I walked out of the store with my purchase "Well I just bought our son his daddy's action figure."

"Seriously Adri..he's too young."

I laughed "I know that I decided to start his collection...I bought him a dragon too."

"Doesn't he have a Taker bear?"

I nodded "And Kane and my dad's....I think he has the Triple H one too."

"Yeah he needs some Shield and Ambrose stuff that's ridiculous."

I laughed "He does have Shield stuff...I'll leave the Ambrose stuff to you my dear husband."

"Well you can't talk and drive so I'll call later."

I nodded "I love you."

"I love you too.."

I hung up and headed home...I decided to try to deal with Riley on my own the first time since my surgery mom was just a phone call away...I changed into one of Dean's new Unstable shirts and a pair of pajama shorts while Riley wore a sleeper..we sat on the couch watching Winnie the Pooh for the hundredth time...I held my phone out taking a picture capturing my baby boy's goofy little smile *Mommy and Riley time...he definitely has his daddy's smile ♡♡* I decided to send the same picture to Dean *We miss you daddy!* I laughed as I got a text back *You look good in my shirt.* I smiled and called him "Hey."

"Hey babe..I got the picture...I think I got this smartphone shit figured out."

I laughed "Good now I can send you stuff."

"Is he still awake?"

I nodded "We're watching Winnie the Pooh eating apple fries."

"God you're making our son a rabbit Adri."

I smiled "Apple fries are good especially with Carmel....and I tell you what we went out to eat he ate my cheese sticks.."

"Now that's my boy...and my gorgeous wife's appetite."

I nodded "He is a secret fat kid like his Uncle Colby...I blame him and his infuence."

"I heard that."

I laughed hearing Colby's protest "What are you doing?"

"Me, Jonathan, Josh, Joe, Colby, Randy, Chris, and a few others may or may not be getting ready to play laser tag."

I laughed "I'm jealous..."

"Trust me baby I wish you were here.."

I smiled "Have fun babe I'll talk to you tomorrow....I love you."

"I love you too."

I smile "Bye."

"Bye babe."

I hung  up and spent the rest of the day night with Riley until bedtime...I got Riley to bed with ease...I plugged my phone up and went to bed not before getting a goodnight text Dean..

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