Chapter 33

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*Adri's pov*

The feud was going great the guys were thrown into two 11 on 3 matches the 1st was a no contest due to the guys being attacked by Evolution..the 2nd one the guys won...tonight was the last Smackdown taping before Extreme Rules..and Dean was set to defend his title against Alberto Del Rio, Curtis Axel and Ryback...Dean and I would cut a promo before the match...I walked up to Dean warming up placing my hand on his arm "Hey."

Dean gave me a small smile "Hey."

I sighed "I'm don't like this Dean...I'm don't trust anything about this."

He placed his hand on the back of my neck "You worry too much I'm not afraid of the Authority and I'm sure as hell not afraid of Evolution...I'm gonna walk out of here tonight still the US champ...we're gonna end them Sunday baby you have my word."

I sighed "Dean.."

Dean smirked down at me "I got the best good luck charm by my side I got this baby trust me."

I nodded "Just be careful please."

He pressed a kiss to my lips "Always."

I nodded slightly as he went back to warming up...before long it was time for the match...while Roman and Seth were banned from ringside I was allowed so I walked down with Dean holding onto his hand..we stood in the ring waiting for the others to come out..I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze then stood ringside...I kept the look of worry on my face my eyes never leaving Dean...I couldn't go to him to check on him I was forbidden to do really all I could do it watch...I watched in horror as Curtis went to pin Alberto...I grinned as Dean came in and rolled Curtis up for the pin..I placed my hands on the ring and bowed my head in relief but that was short lived as they attacked Dean...there was nothing I could do...I had to grin as Roman and Seth came running out helping Dean...I stood on the apron as they set Curtis up for the triple power bomb..I got in and was pulled into a hug by Dean...I smiled softly my hand resting on the nape of his neck "You did it."

He grinned "I told you."

I smiled "Yeah."

Dean kissed my forehead "Yeah."

I picked up a mic and leaned on the ropes..."Authority has been beaten tried to break us on Raw we stood tall while you ran away...tonight you pulled this fatal 4 way...guess what you lost...Sunday Evolution goes down."

Hunter appeared on the ramp "Big words for such a small girl....seeing as physically you can't be in this match I think it's only fair next week on Smackdown you will be in action against well Adri you'll find out next week."

I glared ahead as they went backstage..I shook my head and we did the same...I had to smile as Hunter walked up "Don't be too mean to me...I'm the littlest."

Hunter laughed "But the biggest attitude."

I had to laugh "so you guys really won't tell me who it is?"

He shook his head "No Vince wants the surprise to be real..but I promise you're safe...and she is looking forward to working with you...she saw you in FCW."

I nodded "Awesome."

Hunter nodded "I hear Riley is mastered crawling..and is trying to pull himself up."

I nodded "He's growing to fast for me...hard to believe he'll be 7 months soon."

He nodded "It goes by quick..before you know it you're attending parent teacher meetings."

I sighed "I can patiently wait for that."

Hunter laughed "Well I'll see you later."

I nodded and went to the locker room..I picked up my sweet little boy "I have came to the conclusion you're not allowed to get past 4."

Seth laughed "Doesn't work like that Adri."

I nodded "I know but I'm not prepared for the day I have to drop my baby off at school."

He chuckled "He'll be the coolest kid in school."

I sat Riley back down "You chill here with Uncle Colby while mama changes."

Seth smiled "I got him."

I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom..I walked out to find everyone changed and Riley sleeping on Dean's chest "Aww my baby."

Dean smiled slightly "We should get him to the hotel."

Sara spoke "Do you mind if I keep him tonight?"

I looked at Dean who nodded "Yeah...sure if you think you can handle him.."

She smiled "Great.."

I nodded "Everything he'll need is in his diaper bag you just have to stop by the room and get the bed."

Roman spoke up "I'll stop by and get it"

I nodded "Okay.."

He smiled "Okay."

With that we left..after seeing Roman off with the travel bed I shut and locked our hotel room..we wasted little time enjoying our rare night of no Riley...while I missed him like crazy I trusted Sara and Roman with him...I nuzzled my nose against Dean's neck "When's the last time we did this...just layed here naked."

Dean chuckled "I think Wrestlemania weekend was the last time we did this because your dad insisted on keeping Riley."

I nodded "Right."

He tilted my head up "I love you."

I smiled softly "I love you too."

Dean grinned "I get to sleep naked now I can't remember the last time I got to do that."

I laughed "Seriously?"

He pressed his lips lightly to mine..."Get some sleep I know you'll be wanting to get Ri first thing."

I snuggled into his side and slowly drifted off to sleep

Author's Note

Who is this mystery woman Adri will be her fear necessary?

Adri is holding her own in the Shield/Evolution feud....but will Adri and Stephanie clash?

This was a rather short chapter...sorry

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