Chapter 16

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*Adri's pov*

Weeks had passed and no more letters have come Dean decided he was still going to meet with Marie today..I sat on the hotel bed watching him get ready...I sighed rubbing my stomach as I felt Riley move...last week we found out we were having a boy which Dean was thrilled about as was my dad..I stood up and walked up behind him pressing a kiss to his shoulder "Everything is going to be okay."

Dean sighed "How can you be so sure?"

I moved in front of him placing his hand on my stomach "This is matter what happens today you have me and Riley."

A small smile formed on his face "Yeah..I guess you're right."

I nodded "You good?"

Dean nodded "Yeah let's get this over with."

I stood up grabbing my bag and phone "Okay.."

He got his stuff and we left..he sat in silence outside a house his hands gripping the steering wheel "I don't know if I want you to go in with me."

I shook my head "I'm not letting you go alone..I'm facing her with you."

Dean looked at me "Adri.."

I smiled faintly "You've had my back with all the stuff with Matt...I'm going to have your back with your mom."

He sighed deeply "Let's go."

With that we got out I held on tightly to his hand as we walked to the door..I have his hand a reassuring squeeze "You go this babe."

Dean took a deep breath and knocked "Don't leave my side."

Before I could answer the door opened to reveal Marie..I whispered "Relax."

Marie smiled "Come in come in."

He held on tightly to my hand as we walked in..he only eased his grip on my hand when we sat on the couch "We won't be staying long."

I let my free hand rest on his leg in an attempt to keep him calm "Jon."

She nodded as she sat down "Oh okay."

Dean nodded slightly "I'm only here to tell you to back made you choices I made mine to not have you in my life...I have my family and it doesn't include you."

Marie sighed "I made mistakes with you I handled everything wrong..I made choices I shouldn't of."

I felt Dean tense in anger I squeezed his knee slightly "Don't."

He let go on my hand and leaned forward "Turning your back on me when I needed you most is far from a mistake..choosing booze and men over your own kid wasn't a mistake it was your choice you chose all of it over me..and now that I have a great life going for myself you want to act like a mom...but it's not gonna work."

She looked at him "I made mistakes and I'm more than sorry for what I did."

Dean shook his head "The only mistake you made was pulling my wife and son into this.."

Marie's eyes widened "You're having a boy.."

He let his hand rest on my knee squeezing slightly "He won't know who you are so don't get excited...I won't let you do to my son what you did to son will never know what's it's like to have his parents choose other things over him..he will never know that heartache of not feeling wanted...I will be a better parent than you or dad ever were."

I slowly took his hand in my of mine brushing my thumb across his knuckles "Jon."

Marie looked at me "You're going to let him do're the mother you have a say."

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