Chapter 44

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*Adri's pov*

I was home with Riley who was unfortunately sick...I was now 6 months along...on the 1st Morgan and Seth welcomed little Logan...but I had gotten a call earlier in the week that Marie was in the hospital with the flu..I told Dean I would keep him updated when I was updated...when I got the call today I was heartbroken...Marie had passed in her killed me to tell Dean his mother had passed...I had just put Riley to bed when I heard the front door open...I walked down seeing Dean sitting his bags down "Baby.."

Dean looked up "A."

I walked up wrapping my arms around his neck "I'm sorry.."

He nodded "I'm go back next Monday...they told to spend as much with my family as I need."

I sighed "What do we need to do?"

Dean sighed "Mom is being cremated so I will fly by Cincinnati Saturday to pick it up..."

I frowned slightly "Okay...wish I could go."

He shook his head "Riley is sick and you're pregnant I won't want either of you flying."

I nodded "Okay.."

Dean sighed as we sat on the couch "I can't believe my mom is gone...I feel like I didn't have enough time for her to know I forgave her.."

I rubbed his back "She she knew."

He looked at me "Ava will never get to meet her..Riley just now knows who she is."

I laced my fingers with his "Then we'll make sure they only know the good."

Dean sighed "I don't think I can do this babe.."

I nodded "Yes you can.."

He pulled me closer "I don't know what I'd do without you."

I sighed "You never will find out.."

Dean sighed "Ideally being home I'd want to spend as much time as possible with you and Riley but this.."

I shook my head "Me and Riley will be fine when you get back we'll be here."

He kissed my temple "I love you.."

I smiled softly "I love you too."

Dean nodded "I know."

The rest of day we just spend time as a family I woke up feeling the bed empty...I got up checking on Riley who wasn't in bed...I walked downstairs into the living room to find Dean and Riley asleep on the boys..I gently shook Dean awake "Hey you should lay him down.."

Dean rubbed his eyes "He woke up crying...I have him Tylenol and we layed down.."

I moved Riley's hair out of his face "My poor baby.."

He slowly got up with Riley "I didn't want to wake you."

I nodded "Well put our little boy to bed then you come back to bed."

Dean nodded and walked upstairs...

I crawled back in bed with my husband snuggling into his side...I slowly dozed back to sleep feeling his fingers trail slowly up and down my arm..


Poor Dean :(

Sadly this will be coming to an end very soon

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