Chapter 20

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*Adri's pov*

Well Riley was now 4 weeks old and things were perfect the guys had been in Europe for the past week but were due home while I ran some errands mom watched Riley..when I got back to the house mom's car was gone..figuring she took him for a ride I walked into the house I stopped in my tracks to see Dean asleep on the couch with his jacket still on Riley was asleep on his chest with his little head nuzzled against Dean's neck...I quietly put my bags down and took my phone out taking a picture *Came home to this ♡♡* I picked up the bags and went into the kitchen as my phone buzzed I smiled reading the comment from Brie *Aww Daddy and his twin...hope to see you both at the ppv on the 24th...Aunt Brie needs baby lovins!*..I smiled and sent her a text..I looked up hearing footsteps and my cooing little boy "Hey sleepy head."

Dean was now sans jacket with Riley tucked happily in the crook of his arm "I got an early flight...I told Ana to go home."

I nodded mom has since moved down here buying Dad's house from him and letting Sara take the house in Memphis but she took all her and Dave's stuff "You have to be exhausted."

He nodded "I slept on the plane..tried to stay awake with Riley but guess we both passed out."

I smiled softly "So I saw..want some coffee?"

Dean nodded pulling me around the counter "A kiss from my gorgeous wife first."

I leaned down pressing my lips lightly to his "I missed you."

He smiled "I missed you too."

I smiled tickling Riley's stomach then walked back to make coffee "How was the overseas tour?"

Dean smiled slightly "It was great a lot of fun...I can't wait to take Riley over there."

I smiled "Yeah."

He nodded "So everyone wants to know if you're gonna go to Survivor Series next weekend."

I shrugged "I'm not sure yet..all depends on how Riley is."

Dean nodded laying Riley against his chest "I hope you do..."

I let my forearms rest on the counter "God I can't lie to you...we're going I have it all set up travel car seat and all."

He smiled "Really?"

I nodded "Yeah...and we're even staying for Raw and the tapings."

Dean smiled "That's great babe."

I smiled softly "Figured it was time to introduce him to what mommy, daddy, and papa do for a living."

He nodded "Are you going to Tribute for the Troops?"

I nodded "Dj doesn't know...he knows mom is coming but he has no idea me and Riley are."

Dean nodded "Has he seen him at all?"

I nodded pouring the coffee "Skype sessions but this will be the first physical time."

He nodded "I hear Brian and Kevin were here last week."

I laughed "Yes...they spoiled Riley should see all the new clothes he has now...not to mention his new stuffed dragon..."

Dean laughed "Then I shouldn't tell you about the stuff Colby and Joe bought that are in my suitcase...or what I bought."

I shook my head slightly laughing while taking Riley "I expect this from the girls..not you 3."

He ran his hand lightly over Riley's head "My son is never gonna want for anything...I refuse to let him live the life I had."

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