Chapter 32

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*Adri's pov*

It was Wrestlemania time again it was funny to think my first Wrestlemania I found out I was pregnant with Riley..this time I was to stand in the corner of The Shield when they faced The New Age Outlaws and Kane....but what made this all so much more exciting...Sara was here it was great and her and Roman hit it off and we're pretty awesome friends after going with Dean to get his shoulder checked before the show I walked into the locker room to see Roman and Sara in a lip lock "Whoa."

Dean laughed "Holy shit."

They pulled apart quickly Sara was blushing "Sorry I...we..."

I laughed holding my hand up "Hey don't apologize...we were just caught of guard."

She looked at her feet "I'm so embarrassed."

I smiled "Don't be...just be glad it was me and Jon instead of Morgan And Colby."

Sara looked at me "Are you okay with it?"

I smiled "Why wouldn't I of my dearest friends and my sister..of course I'm okay with it."

Roman looked at me "Really?"

I nodded "Yes..."

He smiled "Thanks A."

I smiled "But please not in front of my's bad enough I have to deal with his father's advances in front of him..."

Roman laughed "Of course."

Dean protested "Hey if it wasn't for those advances he would be here."

I shook my head laughing "Sara walk with me..boys can watch Riley.."

Sara nodded and walked out with me "Everything okay?"

I nodded "So how long?"

She smiled "Only a few days it's still very very new."

I nodded "Just know Joe loves with his whole heart and soul..that's why he's Riley's godfather...I knew he'd teach him stuff me or Jon couldn't...and he's protective..."

Sara nodded "I won't hurt him Adri...I genuinely care about him..I've never left like this before."

I smiled "It's love...and I know you won't."

She smiled "Yeah."

I nudged her "It's good seeing you smile like this..."

Sara nodded "Feels good to smile like this."

I nodded "Trust me I get it."

She nodded "So yours and Dean's anniversary is coming up in a few weeks have anything special planned?"

I nodded "In fact we do..well as much as we can before Raw."

Sara nodded "So are you ready for this new storyline against the Authority?"

I shook my head "No..but what can I do its our jobs..I'm not thrilled about being put against someone I don't know in a match...June is going to suck"

Sara frowned "I imagine."

I sighed "Well I gotta go get ready."

She nodded "Yeah."

I nodded and went back to the locker room....the show went on and of course my boys won their match...I didn't sleep all that well knowing it was the beginning of the end....I sat out by the ring after running stairs..I sighed as Dave Batista stood in front of me..."Hey."

Dave sat down "What's wrong kid?"

I sighed taking a sip of water "Really not looking forward to all this..I mean I'm game for anything thrown my way hell my marriage and my family is all in this now...but I just...I know you guys I get the moves...I never had a match in any of these feuds I was just side line."

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