Chapter 14

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*Ana's pov*

Today was the baby was getting married..last night we cried for hours along with her bridesmaids over Dave not being here...I stood back watching as Adri put in a pair of earring what belonged to her Grandma baby was positively glowing she would be welcoming her own baby in a little over 6 months...the dress she picked fit her perfectly even with the new curves she was slowly getting..her hair was full of loose curls and pinned into a low bun and every thing was pulled together with a bold red lip which matched her shoes and the bridesmaid dresses...I smiled "I can't believe my baby is getting married today."

Adri's eyes met mine in the mirror "Momma don't cry."

I shook my head "One day honey you're gonna understand how I'm feeling when your standing there with your own child while he or she prepares to get'll understand the tears."

She turned facing me "I wish Dave was here."

I nodded "I know baby..but he is..he is with us...he's smiling down on you and Jon today so is your Grandma."

Adri nodded "Do you think grandma would of liked Jon?"

I nodded "She would of adored him."

She sighed deeply "Did you bring that tie clip I asked you to bring?"

I nodded she asked me to bring a tie clip she bought Dave for father's day when she was 11 that had his initials on it he always wore it with all his ties "Yes and it's clipped to you're flowers."

Adri nodded "And that red silk tie?"

I nodded "Wrapped around your flowers."

She smiled and hugged me "Thanks momma."

I turned my head after hearing the camera click "I definitely want a copy of that."

Adri smiled "Yeah.."

I kissed her forehead lightly "I'm so proud of you."

Jerry poked his head in covering his eyes "We decent."

She laughed "Yes daddy.."

He uncovered his eyes and walked in "Oh my god baby girl you look beautiful..all you girls do."

Adri smiled softly "Thanks daddy."

Jerry smiled "Well are you ready?"

I handed Adri her flowers "I'll see you out there honey."

She smiled "Okay.."

I kissed her cheek then walked out ready to bawl my eyes out.

*Dean's pov*

When I saw Adri walking towards me my breath caught in my chest she looked amazing...I could see the tears in Jerry's eyes as he placed her hands in mine..I whispered "Thank you."

Jerry nodded "Take care of my girl alright."

I nodded "Always."

The pastor spoke after everyone sat down "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the union of Jonathan Good and Adrianna Lawler...the couple wrote their own vows..Jon."

I held onto her hands "You saved me from myself I'm more ways than believed in me long before we became a trusted me more than anyone ever made me want things I never knew I wanted...I love you Adri with all my heart."

He nodded "Adri."

Adri took a deep breath "Even before we became us you saw me more than a wrestler's daughter you had this faith in me no one ever have had my heart all made me trust again...I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you to keep me sane..I love you and the crazy life we have I can't wait to see what is next for us."

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