Chapter 24

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* Adri's pov*

Today was Naomi and Jimmy's wedding day..and today Riley was 3 months old...yesterday Dean and I flew out here to Maui not just for the wedding but to get away from the drama for a few days and honestly it felt nice...I wore a tanish cream colored lace dress with a silver belt that I paired with silver slingbacks I curled my hair sweeping it to the side..while Dean got ready I had Riley on the bed getting my smiling little boy ready.."Be still wiggle worm."

Dean walked out "Can't believe you talked me into wearing a damn tie."

I laughed as I finally got his clothes on "You'll can take it off after the ceremony."

He looked down at Riley "I'm gonna apologize now for the future when you see pictures...your mom dressed you I had nothing to do with it."

I smacked his arm as I put Riley's shoes on "Shut up he's cute."

Dean kissed my cheek "You look beautiful."

I smiled softly "Thank you."

He smiled "And me?"

I turned my head pressing my lips to his "You look very handsome."

Dean grinned "I know."

I laughed picking up Riley "There now let's go see Aunt Trinity and Uncle Jonathan get married."

He picked up the diaper bag "Let's go."

I grabbed my sunglasses and my phone then walked out behind him...when we got there I handed Dean my phone.."I'm gonna go see the bride.."

Dean nodded "I'll get our seats then."

I gave him a quick kiss then walked off with Riley...I found the bridal suite and knocked lightly I slowly opened the door "I brought a certain little man to see his Aunt Trinity while he's still awake."

Naomi grinned "Aww my little man Ri."

I smiled "You look beautiful Trin.."

She smiled "Thanks and look at you....can't even tell you had a baby 3 months ago."

I smiled as she carefully bounced Riley in her arms "I tell you what he was a pain to get dressed..I have a wiggle worm on my hands."

Naomi laughed "He's just the cutest with his little bow tie and those chucks...Mama keeps her baby lookin fresh.."

I smiled "Those are actually the shoes you and Jonathan got him..I thought it went good with the outfit."

She smiled "Aww.."

I took Riley as her dad walked in "Well I'm gonna take this little guy I'll see you out there.."

Naomi smiled "Thanks for being here."

I smiled and walked my surprise Riley was still awake but was sitting comfortably in his daddy's arms...of course as Naomi walked out we all the ceremony went on I held on to Dean's hand..I smiled as he raised my hand and kissed it...I whispered "I love you."

Dean smiled slightly "I love you too."

I smiled at Naomi and Jimmy shared their first kiss as husband and wife...I clapped as they made their way down the aisle...with that we headed to the reception..I sat giving Riley his bottle by now I had put his hat on much to Dean's dismay...I smiled as Jey walked up "You clean up good Josh.."

Jey leaned down and kissed my cheek "Thank ya...I'm surprised Riley stayed quiet.."

I nodded "Me too...gotta love pacifiers."

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