Chapter 48

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*Dean's pov*

Last month Seth and Morgan's baby girl was born and thank goodness she looked like her mother and not Seth...except she had Seth's dark hair but Morgan's green eyes...but my world came to a stop on Adri's check up last month what we were told neither of us excepted we would be welcoming a healthy baby around July 2nd...make that two...we were having twins...I received a swift punch to the kidney from Adri when the doc told us but sure enough this summer I would be the father of 4...Adri was now 4 months along...we had already told Ana and I decided to bring the kids to the Raw after the Royal Rumble and we would tell everyone..we couldn't hide it anymore Adri was starting to show...I looked in the backseat from the rear view mirror watching Ava playing with her bear while Riley played on his tablet....I looked at Adri who had her hand resting lightly on her stomach...I reached over letting my hand rest there as well "How are our girl?"

Adri smiled "Moving around.."

I nodded "We have names yet?"

She sighed "Just one...Scarlett Hazel....I'm drawing a blank on a second name..."

Ava spoke up "Kaitlyn.." 

I raised an eyebrow as I pulled into the arena a bit shocked by what my 2 year old just said "Where did you hear that Av?"

She shrugged "Nana..."

Adri looked at me "Kaitlyn Marie."

I had to smile "Scarlett Hazel and Kaitlyn Marie.."

She looked back at the kids "What do you think guys?"

Riley looked up "Yeah."

I looked at Ava as I parked "What about you you like your baby sisters' names?"

Ava nodded "Es."

I smiled "Great.."

Adri smiled as we got out..she stopped me after we got the bags out "3 girls and a ready for this?"

I smiled "Ready as I'll ever be."

She smiled as she picked up her purse "Come on.."

I got my stuff and locked the truck...I had to smile as Riley and Ava walled ahead of us with their back packs...I stopped so sign a few autographs...I looked down hearing my daughter's whine "I'll be right there Av...daddy is busy.."

Ava pulled on my hoodie "Daddy pick up...peas.."

I smiled as the fans laughed "Hold on a second guys..."

She looked up at me with a pout that rivaled her mother's.."Daddy now."

I picked her up and held her securely with one arm as I signed more autographs while Adri took my bag and Riley inside...I noticed Ava had fallen asleep "Well guys I gotta get my bossy little girl inside."

One fan smiled "She looks like Adri.."

I nodded "Thanks she has her attitude down too.."

She smiled "Good luck tonight."

I smiled and went inside..I was walking when I saw Riley with Seth and Roman "Where is Adri?"

Seth laughed "Diva's locker room..said she had something important to tell Naomi, Nattie, Brie and Nikki..."

I nodded "Let me put my bag up real quick "I got something to tell you."

He nodded "Okay."

I walked away to the locker room and put my bag in there...I walked back to the guys with Ava still asleep in my shoulder "Hey"

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