Chapter 23

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*Adri's pov*

It was getting closer and closer to Riley's first Christmas and I was so excited...our tree and the presents under it was proof of that...I was aware he was far too young to understand but it was his first Christmas and I was practical with what I bought....being back with The Shield was amazing even at TLC which they lost unfortunately and all 3 ended up hurt..poor Roman getting the worst of it after hurting his eye...however today was the last Raw before the holidays we were once again around fact we were in Dean decided we would make the hour and a half trip to Cincinnati having Brie watch Riley....Dean was quiet the entire car ride until we actually got into Cincinnati I knew he was playing things over in his head about what he was going to say..I let my hand rest on his thigh in a failed attempt to calm him down...I knew this time wouldn't be as civil as last time...I wasn't pregnant anymore and Riley was now involved..I was angry but Dean was livid..."Jon."

Dean sighed deeply "Promise me you'll let me handle this just like we did back in June."

I sighed "I can't promise that Jon...I stayed quite last time because I was pregnant...she's brought our son into this I can't stay quiet not this time."

He sighed "I know baby that's why I'm asking you...I know your temper I know how irrational you can get when you're angry...I know how to deal with her you don't babe."

I nodded "Okay...I'll try."

Dean lifted my hand and kissed it "I love you."

I nodded "I love you too.."

He sighed as we finally pulled up to Marie's house..he looked at me "Ready?"

I nodded "Yeah."

He got out then walked around helping me out..he held onto my hand tightly.."Don't leave my side please."

I nodded I was surprised to see Marie outside.."Be calm."

Marie had a smile on her face..."'s so nice to see you."

Dean held up a hand "Don't...I asked you to stay away from my family that you had no place in it."

She sighed "I have."

Dean's grip loosened on my hand "Harassing my wife with letter after letter begging for her to change my mind isn't leaving them had her scared for not only her safety but our son's...I tried the civil approach with you but that just seems to not fucking register with here it not contact us not send shit to my do not exist to my son..he has one grandmother and that's all he time all you'll see is my lawyer severing you with a restraining order...I'm done playing nice."

Something in her eyes snapped and I felt my grip tighten on Dean's arm "Jon."

He looked at me "It's okay."

Marie looked at us "How can you be so many times do I have to apologize for what I have you not realize how much it hurts my heart to know I hurt you..."

Dean's head snapped up.."Hurt did a lot more than just hurt chose booze and men over let your boyfriend's put their hands on me and ignored me when I told thing I ever did was leave...I was just a kid I shouldn't of been in that situation..."

She shook her head "You're a father now you'll understand."

He growled "I would never turn my back on my son...I can't even stand being way from him to work...I'm not you my family comes first."

Marie nodded "You drink too."

I rubbed Dean's forearm trying to keep him from lashing out "Babe."

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