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What a beautiful Monday morning. I can't wait to get to school or see Alex! My subconscious added. Hell no, why would I be anxious to see Alex.

It took me twenty minutes to get to school.

"Good morning Rose" A girl with pale brown eyes greeted me.
How did she know my name? I don't even know her, maybe we're class mates. I'm yet to know them all though.

"Good morning? I said wanting to know her name.

"Martha! My name is Martha. We're class mates, I wasn't around last week so I didn't get to meet you." She said smiling oddly at me.

OK she was too nice. I barely get to meet people as nice as this, except Sister Tayo though.

Thinking of Sister Tayo made me remember my dilemma back home; but I quickly pushed the thought away.

"Oh, Good morning Martha. I said, I almost forgot her name but thank God I didn't.

"Class starts in thirty minutes! Let's go get ready." She held my hand and we moved to the class.

So I spotted Alex. I don't know why but, I kind of have a weird feeling about Alex. Like he's up to something but I'm yet to find out.

Drop your insecurities Rose and be friends with this cute boy. My subconscious added.
Cute? He's not cute! I can't think of him as cute.
He was with his friends. They were all laughing so hard. What could they be laughing at? me? No.

"Hey Rose. He waved and walked towards me.
"Good morning." I said, trying to prepare for the class.

"Have you done Mr Godwin's assignment". He asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Is anything wrong Rose, or you had a bad weekend?" He asked looking concerned.

" Not at all. I'm good." I replied.

"Good morning students. The teacher said as he walked in.

The bell rang
Alas! It was time for lunch.
"Let's go for lunch Rose." He smiled.

I was getting tired of the clingy clingy nonsense. We're sit partners not a couple.
"Ok." I couldn't resist.

We walked into the cafeteria. I could feel eyes on us.
He paid for my lunch.

"I really like your bracelet, It's unique." He complemented.

What's up with a boy complementing my accessories. There's something fishy about this boy.
"Thanks." I replied .

Suddenly the girl I bumped into last week showed up with two other girls. What is she doing here, maybe she came to make friends with me. That's weird.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. Two love birds. Alex what are you doing with.... She paused and pointed at me rudely then continued. "Her?"

"As you can see we're having lunch." He said.
"We do have lunch together, remember?" She said.

"We're done Maria. Done I say. Don't you get it. He replied placing his hands on his face.

Done? Done for what? Were they... Ooh they were together. This school is quite different from my former school, back then in Twinkle High; we don't get the chance to date or be together. It was prohibited.

"We could settle our differences as usual Alex, or is it because of this thing?" She looked at me.

Oh no! Did she just call me a thing? Oh dear you're messing with the wrong girl. I said to myself.

"Did you just insult me? I demand an apology. I don't know what is going on between you two and I don't care ok." I said and left.

I can't believe I said that loudly; now all eyes were on me.

"Rose. Alex tried calling me back but I didn't answer.


"I didn't utter a word to him during class. I tried to also avoid an eye contact with him.
I don't know why I was so mad at him. He didn't do anything wrong though.

Finally the class was over.
I packed my bags and I was about leaving when Alex came running after me.

"I'm so sorry Rose. It's a long story and I can't explain but I'm sorry ok. Please forgive me." He said.

"Alex, you didn't do anything wrong did you? So what's with the apologies? She should be the one apologizing not you." I replied smiling oddly at him.

I was now getting used to this smiling oddly of a thing since everyone I know does that.

"Oh... Well that's true. So why were you not talking to me and why are you leaving without me? We walk home together right?" He asked.

Just once. My subconscious added

"Ok. Let's go." I smiled at him

"Alright. He said and held my hands.
My adrenaline kicked in, I don't know if I was afraid or... I don't know what the feeling was about.
As we were about leaving I made an eye contact with Maria, she smiled and walked away.
This is about to get worse. My subconscious added.

Hey guys... ❤️😘
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