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"Alex can we talk privately. Like somewhere private, We need to talk" David said.

I was so glad to see David finally talking to me, it looked like forever when he stopped talking to me.

"Sure, excuse us, Rose," I said to Rose who was glaring at me.

I decided last night not to blame anybody for what happened. I had a rethink, it's not anyone's fault that my mum is in jail. I'll just try to be formal with Rose, I'll cut any close relationship I have with her. Apparently, she isn't what I expected of her, but it's all good.

"Dude, I hope you and Rose are now back together, no! I mean, I hope you two are now on good terms? David scratched his head, he does that whenever he's hiding something from me but I don't think he is.

"Yeah, we're cool," I said casually.
"OK". He said.

"Is that all you have to say?" Actually, I can't believe David called me here just to say this. Not like it is weird, it's just quite unusual.

"No, yes. That's all."

"What are you hiding David." I laughed.
He then raised his hands in defeat.

"Fine, fine. I know who's behind all those rumors and all.". He bowed in defeat like he doesn't want to say any word further.

"I don't care, what difference does it make? Moreover, I know it's Rose so..." He cuts in and said:

"It's Martha."He looked away.

I laughed really hard.

"Martha? Martha barely even knows my surname, fine, we're friends and all but it's to a limit. It's not possible for her to know that much about me." I gave him a funny look.

"Well, you may think she knows nothing about you. But she knows a lot. You know how I feel about Martha. I think she likes you instead."

"Uh?". My jaw dropped.

"Yeah, so she hates how close you became with Rose and she tried to sabotage your friendship with Rose." He explained.

"Still not clear" I rubbed my chin with my fingers and continued. " how did she find out about Rose knowing about my mum? How did she even find out about my mum?".

"Well, I found this in the trash bin in our apartment." He brought out a Sim card pack and continued. " I confronted her about it and she confessed.

"If Martha is the one behind all this, I'm sure Rose told her so..." I added.

"No, Rose didn't tell her anything." He hastily said.

"Wait, did Rose bribe you to do all this."

"Dude No. The truth is that Martha likes you, and if you and Rose don't get along like you two used to. I might not get a chance with Martha." He looked down.

"What do you mean by you might not get a chance.? Even if Rose and I aren't on good terms, I'll never try to hit on Martha. And if she does, I'll gladly turn her down. You know why? " I asked.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because Martha is not my type, she's too dark. She wears excessive body spray. She's always looking pale." David signaled to me but I was so engrossed in my words that I didn't count it. I continued. " I don't like her, she's pretty but... She's yours man"

I noticed a figure behind me. I looked back and I saw Martha with teary eyes.

"Yo-u didn't tell me she was..." I stammered and pointed at Martha surprisingly. Martha ran to the ladies which is generally off our boundaries.

Alone with David.
"You should have told me she was behind me". I raised my voice at him.

"I was confused. I didn't know what to say." He placed his left hand on his head.

"You were not confused, you were just foolishly obsessed with her. I don't know what is so special about her that made you dumbfounded. You're just so full of surprises." I hissed.

"I have a class to attend." He left.

I walked towards my desk and Rose quickly looked up at me like she was expecting me to start pouring words out of my mouth, but instead, I smiled and she smiled back. Only then did I see how pretty she is. Her hair was nicely packed, her face was just so gorgeous, and her lips; looked so soft. I started wondering if it feels soft too.

Hours passed and every twenty seconds, I can't count how many times I glanced at her. She was so focused on the board and the lectures. I tried so hard not to think of her that way but as casual and formal friends due to what she did, but I failed. Even if David said she's not the one behind all this, I still don't believe him.

The closing bell rang and Rose stood up immediately and my heart skipped a beat. I don't know why I'm feeling this way today. She took her bag and walked towards the door.
I then saw Martha.

"Hi" I smiled.
"Don't you ever, don't you ever say a word to me again." She tried walking past me but I blocked her.

" I should be the one angry Martha, David told me everything you did, even if I still don't believe him." David walked up to us and stood behind Martha.

Then I spotted Rose and my heart skipped again, suddenly my head began to itch and I lost my words. Now I know how David felt when he saw Martha, it's quite funny how my body reacts when I see her. I don't really feel this way before, even when she came over to my house.

"He did? ". I could see tears rolling down her cheeks and of course, the rumors spreaders were all focused. We were surrounded by all the students.

She swallowed down her pride and I knew quite well that she was about to say something tragic.

"I've always liked you, but you never noticed me". She yelled out of frustration and everyone gasped.

"Uh?" I managed to say.

"I was at your doorstep when I overheard you telling Rose about your mum. I was actually restless knowing that Rose was in your house and you live alone. I could not think straight. If you can recollect, it was eight pm in the night when you two talked about it.". She said crying.

Rose was so surprised that she had her mouth opened.
"I thought it was Maria's doing. And to think that I trusted you. Gosh". Rose said and buried her hands in her face.

"And how do you know about my mum's location because I can't recollect telling Rose about that.

"I only guessed," she said and walked away.

Afterward, everyone departed and Rose walked out too. I ran after her.

"Hey". I pulled her back.

"Hi." She gave me a fake smile.

"I'm, I am so sorry for not believing you"

"It's fine, we now know the culprit. Yay!!!," she raised her hands up and fake smiled again.

"So we're good?

"Yeah, good." She smiled.

"Let's go home then" I added.

"_yeah, about that, I'd like to walk alone."

Thanks. She smiled and walked away faster than I expected.
I was short of words.
I can't lose my friendship with Rose, not at Martha's doings.

Hey guys ❤️😘
Sorry for the late updates.
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