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Sister Tayo's POV.

We got married, I got married to Kola. We did a plain court wedding because we were scared Don might show up.
A few weeks later, I heard and confirmed that Don died of heart disease. I was at ease, I knew it's unfair to be happy that he died but I was glad.

It was as though the storm in my life was over, I looked at myself in the mirror and I was glad my life was molding back into shape.

"Look who we have here, the new bride in town." Kola hugged me and we both stared at ourselves in the mirror.

"I can't be the new bride in town, I'm very sure more weddings would have been held after ours soooo." I chuckled.

"But, you'll forever remain new to me" He smiled.
Those days when I thought life was getting better, when I thought: After all I survived, those days when I was at peace, internally and externally. Luckily for me, I conceived, I guess God was merciful to me or I was really fertile.

A few months later, I was surprised at who I met at my doorstep. Remi!

"Would you at least let your sister in?" She looked pitiful.

"Yeah, co-come in" I stammered still shocked.

She apologized for not being there for me, she told me she realized how cruel she was and she regrets every bit of it. I was happy, I was happy at the fact that I now have my sister back and she realized how mean she was to me.

"Sis, you're living large! This is beautiful. Wow, so you mean your boyfriend owns this place?" She stood up and looked around.

"No he's not my boyfriend, he's my husband." I wiggled my fingers so she'd notice my ring.

"Tayo. You're married? You got married without telling me?" She asked looking very surprised.

"It wasn't something big, court wedding," I added.

"But still, it's still a wedding. Wow, so soon? So you mean you now own this place? Like you are his legit wife?" She asked randomly.

"Yeeeees" I feigned a smile.

"Wow, that's nice".

" Thank you" I smiled. I'm this type of person that forgives easily, as long as I get an apology. I allowed her to fool me again, a few weeks after she came by, she kept coming and coming. Sometimes with her daughter, Rose.

Days grew to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years; Kola lost his job. He was on loans so he used his house as collateral and many more of his wealth went down the drain.

"How do you intend to fend for this little child Tayo." She said to me during one of her visits.

"Sis, it's not that bad. I still have some money left with me, moreover, Kola still feeds us and does the needful." I said to her.
We moved to a new and smaller apartment and for months I didn't hear or speak with my sister Remi, most times when I called she'd say she was busy and forgot to call back. I stopped trying, after all, she was Remi; the mean sister I had.

Years later, actually the exact year they died, I visited Remi and luckily for me, I met her husband, Tunde. I gave them another opportunity for us to reunite again, let go of the past and move on. Most times Tunde couldn't look me in the face, I guess his conscience hit him really hard; and that was enough revenge for me.

"See how lean you look, how are you coping with those two kids." She asked me.

"Just the way we've been coping all these years sis." I feigned a chuckle.

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