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Ok, so he kissed me. You should have slapped him, Rose. My subconscious added.

"He smells nice though," I said to my self.
"Rose, Rose, Rose" I slapped my self continuously.

"Omg, omg, omg,"

My head kept repeating the images. I walked into my room, laid on my bed facing the ceiling. Alex's face was stuck in my head.
I was so restless that I moved to the living room. Staring at the wall; I heard a voice.
"Are you ok Rose?" Sister Tayo said.

"Uh, Ok, ok. Ok yes, of course, I'm Ok." I was confused. My system was disordered.

"If you say so. I bought you some clothes and shoes" She smiled And I realized that she was holding a polythene bag.

"Wow, today isn't my birthday. Thank you so much." I hugged her.

"You're welcome". She handed it to me.

I was about heading towards my room when she called me back.

"Rose, I love you, and I'll always be there for you. Always." She smiled awkwardly.

"Thank you ma, you've been more than an angel to me." I hugged her again.

I sat on the bed in my room. I was confused. I didn't know why but I was a little scared to see Sister Tayo that nice, normally she is nice, my mum gave me that same look the day she passed.

I just hope there's nothing wrong, she means the whole world to me. The thoughts of Alex vanished from my head.
I went through the clothes. They were really fancy.

I laid and buried my face on the bed. I miss my Dad and my mum, I miss having my mum wrapped around me.

I guess life has its own way of surprising us. I wondered where they were, although the pastor said they are in a better place. How are they? I started pondering about my parents and tears had its way down my cheeks.
I showered and slept off. I do this most times to get bad memories off my head, and it works.



Tunde and Remi were not in support of my relationship with Sam. They were afraid if Don finds out he'll react. At a point, I knew they were being self-centered. Remi had a family, a lovely family. I had nothing, nothing to call my own. All they ever wanted to be was for me to keep paying for their sins.

I'd always cry for her support with Sam but she never listened.
So one day, I got a call from Sam.

"Are you Sam's relative?" A man said. I was surprised to hear another person use Sam's phone. He never joked with his phone.

"I'm his friend. Is there any problem? Where is Sam.?"

"He was shot by some assassins at a filling station. We've taken him to Oaks hospital behind the popular market."

I went numb for some seconds. Regaining my consciousness, I managed to ask if he's dead.

"I can't say yet"

"I'll be there in no time"


I was the last person he called that's why they had to call me. I can't believe this.

Assassins? Why do I have a feeling that Don has a hand in this?

I walked into the hospital and I asked for his name. Sam George. The nurse couldn't direct me to his ward instead she told me to go see the doctor.

"Where is his ward, I have no business with the doctor yet" I yelled.

"Madam, go see the doctor."

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