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Getting home I saw David at my doorstep, I wasn't surprised though. He does that whenever he's in trouble.
"Dude, I'm finished" He looked worried.

"Finished? How? No jokes dude I'm exhausted."

"I don't even know how to place the words"  He looked away.

"Place it anyhow, I need to shower" I walked into the living room and he followed me.

"You know Martha and I are kinda like a thing right?" He said as he sat on the couch.

"The last time we talked about her, you told me she likes me and all but you never mentioned you guys being a thing". I wasn't getting his points.

" oh, that's true. Well, Martha and I have been together;  not like we're dating though". He shivered.

"That's good news bro. How come you didn't tell me." I poured myself a glass of water.

"Water?" I offered.

"No no. I don't need water right now"  He looked perplexed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, I've- we've been like together." He said again.

"Haha, you've told me that before. If this is one of your crazy pranks stop it, the maids are gone. Let's cook." I yawned.

"We've been having se-x" He stammered.

"What did you say?" I took another gulp of water.

"I've been sleeping with her. How best do you want me to explain it? I've had sex with her countless times. We've been together"  He yelled out in frustration.

"David calm down. That's outrageous. You didn't even bother to tell me" I added.

"I'm sorry, it was our little secret." He looked away.

"Little secret? Well, your little secret is about to get exposed. I think Martha is pregnant, I don't really know yet though."

" That's why I said I'm finished. She's truly pregnant, she sent me a text message an hour ago."

"Congrats bro. The youngest father in town" I smiled.

"Alex, I'm dead serious. I'm confused."

"Wait, are you so naive that you didn't use protection?" I managed to ask.

"It's complicated. I don't know how it happened." He buried his hands in his face.

"I'm so sorry though. Wow, this is unimaginable. So what are your plans now?"

" either she aborts it or I deny the pregnancy. " He uttered.

"What? Deny the pregnancy, abort the pregnancy? Those two options are not pickable David." I said louder than usual.

"So what do I do?"

"Accept the pregnancy, take full responsibility for the pregnancy and the mother. Be a responsible man and you two can get married."

"Man? I'm just seventeen. Do I have to  remind you?"

"Well, you have to start acting like a Father" I smiled.

"I didn't come here for you to mock me Alex" He stood up and continued. " I thought I had a friend to rely on"

"You didn't think you had a friend when you were busy doing shits with her. If you had told me, I'd have given you life-saving advice"

"She didn't want to make it an open affair. If not I'd have made it official."

"David, I thought you said you like her.  Is this how to show likeness, by ruining her life? And I am very disappointed in Martha, now I know why she never wanted to date you" I hissed.

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