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7:00 am


Waking up, as usual, my head felt heavy. I couldn't see images clearly, my body was light. I stoop up to walk into living when I hit my leg on a stood, Sister Tayo must have kept the stood there. I moved into a room then I saw a tall figure.
"Good morning," He said and I waved.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night" He scratched his head.

"What happened last night you mean, how you almost killed my sister," I said like I was drunk. why am I feeling this way? I asked my self within me.

"Killed your sister?" He scoffed and continued. I mean for having you without your permission."

My eyes were getting clearer, it was then I realized that I wasn't at my house and he wasn't Mr. Kola.

"Omg!" I screamed.

"Chill; I'm sorry. I didn't know you were a reverend Mary" He laughed so hard.

"When?" I said still confused.
He sat on a chair; took a paper and wrapped God knows what in it. He then lights up the wrapped paper with a firelighter and started smoking. I stood there watching him.

"Well, don't stand there and watch me, pack your stuff and leave," He said, hitting his head so hard with his hand.

"Yo-you raped me?" I don't know why I had to ask.

"This is the problem I have with small girls like yourself." He looked at me and continued. " I didn't rape you, I- we had a good time, together" He smiled.

"Oh, so you raped me? You added something into the drink you gave me?" I coughed, the smoke was toxic.

"Absolutely, my lady. Martha is not home and she won't be. She traveled abroad yesterday. By the way, I cleaned up the mess already. Just pack your bags and leave." He was acting strange.
"You won't get away with this," I said, crying.
"You see my dear, I don't intend to get away with this." He moved his head weirdly like his head was heavy.

"I've always been isolated from my family; why? Because they think I'm a drug addict, actually I am. But I am their son, right? Do they have to treat me that way? So if you want to call the cops on me, it's fine. I just got back anyways, I miss my friends over there".

" I don't know why I'm still here listening to all this " I walked towards the wrong exit.
"The exit is right there," He said smiling.

I got home looking very haggard, and weak. I have to tell sister Tayo so she'll take proper care of me and call the cops on that wicked man.
I knocked, and sister Tayo opened the door; looking at me scornfully.
"Where did you spend the night?" She said.

"I-I was " I stammered.

"Oh, so you want to start frolicking around right?"  She asked.

"I got raped," I said directly.

"What are you saying?" She said looking very surprised.

"He drugged me and raped me" I couldn't fight the tears.

"Oh my God! Drop your bag. Who did this? I have told you to stop hanging out with that boy but you wouldn't listen; let me take you to the hospital" She said looking very unhappy.

"Alex didn't do this" I added.

"Yeah, that's his name; if he didn't, then who did? Who did Rose? See, do not cover up for him; because I'm ready to take this to extra lengths. Let's go"
She picked up her car keys, we were about leaving when we heard a loud knock on the gate. She opened it and two men along with a policeman came in, I moved closer to them.

" Good evening Ma, are you Mrs. Tayo? The policeman asked.

"No-ye-s I am" She stammered.

"She's the one, these are pictures of how she dropped the body in the bush. I have shown you this before, so take drastic actions. Mr police" One of the men said.

"We would like you to come along with us for further findings" The policeman added.

"I honestly know nothing about this," She said.

"Lies" The other man added

"I would advise you to keep quiet because anything you say will be used against you in the court of law," The policeman said.

"Fine, fine. If you'll take me to your station at least let me take my niece to the hospital, she just got raped" she added.

"We'll look into that, I'll need her to also come along with us for the writing of statements" The policeman affirmed.
I followed them to the station and when we arrived. A policeman was assigned to take me to the hospital. Few tests were done and I was properly taken care of, assuring that there won't be any health issues. I went back to Martha's apartment along with the police only to find no one in the house, we knocked and no one answered. A neighbor of theirs told us he traveled that same morning.

I went back home, I was tired and hungry; with the way things are I knew Sister Tayo killed Mr. Kola. How foolish of me to think it was the other way round. Unpacking my bag, I saw the document I found in Alex's house. I should just hand this over to the police, but it's just a picture with red signs on them; who would believe such?
For a rape victim, I wasn't emotionally or psychologically down. I was myself; it just hurts to see the culprit get away with it. Or maybe he won't?
I had a long shower, maybe the longest since I was born. I ate cereals and slept off.


Lying on the bed, I was confused and filled with disbelief. Why would she ever do that? Is it for the money? Hell no, she's not like that. Or what if she is? What if she's framing all this just to blackmail my parents?
I stood up to get a glass of water in the kitchen, I heard them arguing and I was eager to hear what they were arguing about.
"Would you lower your voice, our son is at home?" My mum said.

"Our son" My dad scoffed.

"Yes, our son" She emphasized the son. I was confused.

"Did you dispose them? Matthew" she asked. Dispose what exactly? I became more confused, and yeah, my Dad's name is Matthew Alabi and my mum Josephine Alabi.

"I didn't, maybe he saw it and disposed it," He said.

"And who is he?" She asked.

"Our son" He added

"Maybe though, Including the Elliot's? We need to find more about them, remember even after all we couldn't get the money. I'm sure her sister must have gotten the money and not tell us" She said.

"Yeah, why don't you let us forget it all. Let's start all over, fine we've done a lot of bad things in the past. Let's move on." I could hear him say.

"But she promised us forty percent of the money. I can't let that slide. After this, we'll move on." She added.

"About Alex, we should be done with him next month right? We'll make him sign the documents. I can't wait to get rid of that boy,  Josephine; we're about to get really rich. If he signs it that's it." He said.

Oh my God, I think I'm beginning to understand this.

"Get rid of him? Hell no! We won't. I can't waste the innocent boy that way? We have no children of our own and he's the only one with us" She said.

I couldn't hear any further, I walked into the living room. So Rose was not lying to me. It's really true and to sum it all they're not my parents. By getting rid of me do they mean to kill me? Waste me? Oh my God.
I couldn't think of anywhere else than Rose's. I can't believe this, I've been living with strangers! Who are they? Who am I?

Hey guys!!!😍😍😍

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