Chapter 28~The Fall of Nadia Reyes...

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~~three days later~~
After training, I took take a bath but I wanted to use some bath salts. I went down the hallway to Royals room since I know she had a lot of really good smelling bath salts but before I could even knock I heard crying and whispering. I opened the door a smidge and Royal was on the floor crying.

  She had something in her hand

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She had something in her hand. I tried to see what it was but she threw it into the small trash bin she had by her desk and went into the bathroom.

I quietly crept into her room, yeah yeah I know evading people's private property wasn't a good thing but Royal looks upset and I was worried so I took a look into the trash to see....a pregnancy test...and it was positive...

I didn't even know she had a boyfriend I was about to leave when I heard the bathroom door opening. I started panicking until I saw a dresser and quickly hid behind it. I heard Royal mumbling something to herself and crying. I wanted to say something but I kept my mouth shut and stayed behind the dresser but that's when Royal hit the dresser. I could feel it squishing me.

I couldn't breathe so I pushed the dresser and it fell then I looked up and I could see the horror and rage look on Royals face.

"GET OUT" she screamed

I ran out of her room quickly and turned the corner then I looked back to see her slam the door. I sighed and that's when the dog apocalypse happened. I turned back around to see a swarm of fluffy dogs coming my way.

I tried to run but they jumped on me. I fell to ground laughing as they were licking my face. I tried to get up but they were pushing me down then I felt someone picking me up, I looked up and saw Nightmare and Bloodrose looking at me with concern.

"what's wrong with Nadia," says Nightmare.

I didn't know what to say so I looked down and shook my head. I could tell my silence made it worse so Bloodrose walked into Royals room and closed the door. We stared at the door for like six minutes waiting for them to come out eventually Bloodrose did but her face was pale like she had just seen a ghost Nightmare went over to her and asked her.

"What happened?".

Bloodrose was trying to find the right words but finally said.

"...She took a pregnancy test and it's positive but she doesn't know if it's Parker's..."

The color in nightmares face went pale..they started whispering and I could tell they were worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked carefully.

They looked at each other then took me into another room and sat me down. They looked at each other for a moment then turned to me and said the same thing at the same time.

"I guess it's time to tell you the fall of Nadia Reyes"

Then Killswitch walked in.

Don't you hate it when someone interrupts your conversation well it's happening now but instead of the usual change of topic we see Killswitch covered in blood?

"Hey what's up," killswitch says causally.

Nightmare and Bloodrose thought for a second until they said:

"we're talking about something important".

"Alright," she says coolly.

"I'm gonna go take a shower."

They nod and she left then they turned back to me looked me straight in the eye and said

"get ready this will be hard to tell".

Nightmare looked at bloodrose and she started talking.

"when we were fourteen Nadia hated going home because she knew all she was gonna see was a broken family and a broken home..."

She stopped for a second.

"One day she came to school quieter than usual we tried to see what was wrong but she didn't say anything..".

After a long pause that's when Nightmare started to talk.

"Nadia got into a fight with her parents they kicked her out of both of their homes so she lived on the street, we tried to help her but she didn't want it I think she was the first one to join this agency," Nightmare said quietly.

"She dating a guy named Parker but both of their jobs are very time consuming so they can't see each other often.." Bloodrose mumbled

I thought for a moment and said.

"So is he a good guy?".

They didn't answer so I asked a different question.

"What is this called anyway? Is it a company or program?".

"Uh welll.. give me a second.." mumbled Bloodrose.

"Technically it's a "company" in the eyes of the government but we're an agency."

"....what??" I said confused.

Nightmare smacked her head and said.

"you're making it more confusing".

"I'm sorryyyy," Bloodrose said with a cry.

"....what??" I said confused.

"Look we are an agency but not a normal one..we are given targets to either kill or interrogate." Nightmare said coldly.

"But why" I said quietly.

"The government pays us a lot to do the things we do but the methods we use aren't legal.".

"I'm so confused," I said a little bit annoyed.

"We're an agency and we kill people for the government"

We turned around to see killswitch leaning against the door.

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