Chapter 36~Tension..

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On the drive back it was silent since we didn't know what to say but I could tell Ivan was trying not to cry in front of me while I was thinking about what dad had told me that those people were his friends and he thought he could trust them with me but I guess he didn't know the evil in them but why was I so important to them.

I mean they treated me wrong since I was younger but I don't know and now that my "mother" is pregnant makes it worse..I can't just kill someone that is pregnant even if that person is bad. I started fidgeting with my fingers and that's when Ivan said.

"He hasn't changed that much..he looks the same" Ivan sighed.

"what are planning to do now," I asked.

Ivan didn't answer I guess he doesn't know either. We make it back to the hotel to see Nightmare and Killswitch fighting over the remote while Bloodrose was trying to separate them and Royal was sleeping peacefully on the bed and then there was Ace trying to calm Nightmare down cuz she was this close to pulling out her dagger.

"What's going on in here?," Ivan said with a stern voice.

Everyone stopped to look at us.

"All of you are acting like children well some of you," Ivan said as he rolled his eyes.

Nightmare and Killswitch stopped and decided to go on their phones instead. Ivan rubbed his eyes and was trying to keep calm. But that's when Nightmare asked.

"Where are the groceries?"

That's when I looked at Ivan and he looked at me we had forgotten about that then Ivan said.

"We forgot them in the car, uh Veronica come help me"

I nodded.

"D you need help?" Bloodrose asked and immediately we both said "no!!" in a loud voice.

"Uh," Bloodrose said as she gave us a suspicious look.

We ran down to the car got back in it and drove off fast to the market. We went past the speed limit and ran into the store and got the supplies. Meanwhile with everyone else at the hotel.

"Why are they taking so long I want food," said Nightmare impatiently.

"Maybe they have too much stuff and we are on the 7th floor," said Royal.

"So they haven't heard of an elevator then," said Nightmare annoyed.

Royal rolled her eyes.

"There are other people in the hotel too that need to use the elevator too".

"Hm.." said Nightmare.

Ace looked at Nightmare.

"Why don't you try to be patient." said, Ace.

Nightmare turned to look at Ace.

" I didn't ask for your opinion," said Nightmare angrily.

"I was just saying," Ace said, " I didn't mean to offend you".

Nightmare didn't say anything and that's when Royal asked.

"Do you like Ivan or are you just using him don't think we forgot that you were on the enemy's side".

Bloodrose sat up straight and stared at Ace to see if they would tell the truth or lie. Ace sighed and said.

"I do he was close with my brother and Alex always knew who had a good character" Ace smiled weakly.

Everyone looked at Bloodrose and she nodded her head.

"They're telling the truth," She said as she laid back.

"Hm," said Nightmare.

Me and Ivan enter the room with a lot of bags and we were a hot mess and everyone was giving us weird looks but they wanted food so they didn't question it. After we watched a pretty boring movie but I tried to enjoy it. Bloodrose passed out on the floor since she had a little bit too much tequila so did Nightmare except she was sleeping upside down. Meanwhile, drunk Killswitch was ranting about some band then she passed out. The only people that weren't drinking were me, Ace, and Royal.

Ivan was passed out in Ace's arms while Royal was eating all the snacks and she wasn't sharing. As I sat there I felt something was off like something was in the room that wasn't supposed to be there. So I got up and looked around the room usually a bad move to do but I checked the closets, under the bed, and then I looked in the bathroom to see a guy taped to the wall and I let out a scream then Royal and Ace came to see what was wrong.

When they got to the bathroom they were like oh yeah whoops we forgot about him and they laughed while I was having a heart attack. They explained he looked suspicious so with no evidence they grabbed him and taped him to a wall.....I never hit my head so hard before until now.

"Did you guys drugged him?" I said curiously.

"Of course why wouldn't we?" Royal said with a shrug.

"Well get him out of here!!!" I said angrily.

"Uh that's not my job that's usually Ash's job but as you can see she's passed out drunk" Royal said annoyed.

"Well if you guys hadn't kidnap that guy in the first place we wouldn't need to do this!!" I hissed.

"Look the girl is right we need to get rid of him or else we gonna be locked up" Ace paused for a second then said, "and I ain't going back".

We nodded and got ready time for mission impossible.

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